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THERE'S NO PLACE called home anymore

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THERE'S NO PLACE called home anymore. It's the people around you that is home—your family. Family isn't about the DNA you share, it's about how far you will go to protect them. As Aria looks around at the group, her heart flutters in delight, they're her family.

Aria pushes a piece of her hair back, motioning towards the courtyard filled with walkers. "About 5 or 6 people should go in, keeping in a tight group. The rest, stay along this fence, trying to get as many walkers as you can over by you." She tells them, earning a few nods around the group. "Me, Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn, Maggie and Aria will go into the courtyard while the rest stay along the fence." Rick informs everyone, looking around the group.

Aria stands in between Daryl and T-Dog as the group of six advances into the courtyard, their weapons raised as walkers stagger towards them. Aria steps forward before shoving her knife up in a walker's neck, letting it fall to ground. Stepping back into her place in the group, she looks around, adrenaline pumping through her veins. Being the clumsy person she is, Aria does her best not to trip over the falling bodies, seeing as that would put herself and her group in danger.

"Get tight—get tight!" Aria moves closer to the two men beside her before shoving her knife deep into the skull of a walker in front of her. As she pulls the knife out, crimson blood splatters onto her face. The group at the fence yells for walkers, doing their best to attract as much as they can over to them. T-Dog breaks rank as he rushes over, grabbing a SWAT shield. Sighing lightly, Aria leans forward, her knife going through the temple of a walker stumbling after him.

A hand grasps the back of her shirt before pulling her back into the small group. She glances up, Daryl now raising his crossbow high up as Rick slowly opens a red door. "Shit." Rick mutters, pressing his back against the concrete tower, the group following suite. Aria stands in front of the red door, her breathing quiet. Two walkers dressed in guard gear wobble out from behind dumpster. Two other guards appear right in front of them and Daryl pulls the trigger of his crossbow, the arrow bouncing off of the mask.

"Aria!" Maggie snaps, pulling her away from the red door, a walker stumbling out after the female. Aria kicks the walker in it's midsection, causing it to fall back against the concrete. The walker rushes after Aria and she tackles it to the ground, straddling it's waist as she holds its wrists. "What do I do?" She asks, her voice full of panic as it struggles beneath her. Glancing behind her, she spots Maggie stabbing the walker in the neck, the knife puncturing it's brain. Turning back towards the wreathing walker under her, she raises its mask before copying Maggie, the walker falling limp under her.

She stands to her feet, wiping her knife on the walker's clothes before sheathing it. Aria looks around, the courtyard full of dead bodies. "It looks secure." Glenn mutters, walking over to them. Aria nods, her hand settling on her hip. "Not from the look of that courtyard over there." Daryl says, pointing over to the courtyard mentioned. He turns his head, looking past Aria. "And that's a civilian."

"So the interior could be overrun with walkers from outside the prison." Aria furrows her eyebrows, didn't prisoners have visitors sometimes? She thinks to herself, glancing back at the civilian's body. "Well, if there's walks down, what are we gonna do? We can't rebuild this whole place." Glenn speaks up, his eyes trailing over everyone. Actually they can, it would just take forever. "We can't risk a blind spot."

Aria runs her tongue over her bottom lip, looking over towards the doors of the cell block. "We have to go in—don't we?" She sighs, Rick nodding at her. The group walks over to the rusted cage, Rick pulling open creaky door. Aria follows Daryl, Maggie closely behind Aria. Daryl shoves his knife in his holster before sliding open the red door, the group clutching their weapons, ready to attack but nothing comes.

Lowering the knife in her hand, Aria hesitantly walks into the dark prison, her heart thumping in her ears. She's not sure what's going to happen, anything can jump out at her. The barred door squeaks open as Rick pushes it, slowly walking down the metal stairs. The sound of dripping water fills the air and Aria steps over a pile of napkin, her eyes darting everywhere for danger.

Maggie and Aria stay near each other as they look around for any walkers. "See anything?" Aria asks the younger female, her voice quiet. Maggie shakes her head, rattling the cell door to try and open it. "It's locked." Aria whispers, stating the obvious. Maggie turns her head, sending Aria a playful glare. "No really?" Aria sticks her tongue out at Maggie, rolling her eyes.

Rick unlocks the big cell door, Daryl pushing it open. Aria follows behind everyone, looking into the dark cells for walkers. A body drops from the second set of cells and Aria quickly jumps out of the way, her eyes staring down at the dead walker. Grabbing the arms, her and T-Dog begin to move the body out of the cell block.

Sunlight hits Aria's face and she roughly sets down the walker's body, sending a small smile T-Dog's way. "Home sweet home?" She asks and T-Dog nods, raising his hand. "Hell yeah!" The two slap hands before rushing back in the cell block, the door sliding shut behind them. Maggie hands Aria her belongings before walking after Glenn. Aria slings her backpack over her shoulder, walking up the creaky stairs.

As she walks past where Daryl is laying, he stops her by grabbing her ankle, almost tripping her. "Shit—Daryl!" She scolds, her hands gripping the metal rails. He chuckles, his blue eyes looking up at her. "What was it you needed to tell me?" Aria blows out a breath, that i liked you? She gulps, running her foot over the dirty ground beneath her. "It was nothing important." She tells him, walking away before he can question her. She had the guts last night, but now, her confidence ran out.

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