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RAIN SPRINKLES DOWN the car window as Aria stares out of it, her body presses tightly against the car door

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RAIN SPRINKLES DOWN the car window as Aria stares out of it, her body presses tightly against the car door. She's staying away from Daryl for now, her mind isn't in a good place right now. She's afraid she may blurt out something she won't mean. Their is too many bad thoughts racing through her mind and she doesn't want to say them, definitely not to her bad-tempered boyfriend.

She didn't participate when the group was going over the plans, she didn't want to. Their were two plans, one was the way she wanted to go, the other was the one Rick wanted her to make. They chose the one that requires the most violence, the one where they have to kill them all. The group can tell Aria's disappointed and upset but they feel like they made the right call.

Aria hasn't spoken a word to anyone, not even Daryl or Michonne. The vehicles slow to a stop and they began pressing down loudly onto the horns, Aria sliding out of the vehicle. Once her feet land on the ground, she moves away from everyone, her eyes focused on the trees in the distance. Despite them wanting to kill this group, Aria still loves and trusts her group. And she didn't want them to go do this alone, so she tagged along. Deep down she knows she shouldn't be doing this, but she would be guilty if her group ended up dying.

A finger gently taps her shoulder and she turns her head, catching sight of Jesus. "We can all tell you don't like this but thanks for making the plan. It's a tremendous one." Aria purses her lips before nodding, silently thanking the man. He's a nice and skilled guy, Aria doesn't see anything wrong with him. Plus, he would be a great addition to their group. "Look — your group, they feel bad, I can tell. But we're doing this so no one else has to die."

Jesus shifts all his weight onto one foot before sighing. "How would you feel if those men killed Daryl? Or even Michonne? You wouldn't feel great. Someone will die if we don't stop this. That's the only reason we're attacking first." Aria harshly swallows back the lump building in her throat. Jesus has a point and she realizes that. This whole thing is to protect their group from dying. And the only way to do that is to kill the enemy before they kill them.

"You're right. But I don't have to like this." Aria utters quietly, her finger fiddling with the necklaces around her neck. Moving around Jesus, Aria's eyes dart around everywhere as she searches for any sign of danger, body on full alert for some weird reason.

Pushing the what if's to the back of her mind, Aria walks towards Daryl, pulling him aside. "I know i've been a real bitch lately and — i'm sorry." She whispers, a frown forming on her peachy lips. Daryl stares at her for a few moments before gently pulling her into a hug, his big arms wrapping around her fragile body. He understands that Aria isn't used to this. She isn't the kind of person who could just go kill someone and forget about it the next day — she'll think about it until she can't take it anymore. Now Daryl isn't usually one for hugs and lovey dovey shit, but if no one comforts Aria during this, she's going to return back to the place she hates and he doesn't want that for her.

He's made it his job to protect her, both physically and mentally.

♚ ♛

Aria peers out through the dark trees, her heart pumping in her ears. The plan is beginning and she is as nervous as she can be. Daryl isn't no where near her, which makes it even worse. In the plan, Aria had put that she needs to go in the back door, alone. At first, her group was hesitant and upset that she'd even put that in there but once they heard the reason, they were pretty much okay.

"I need to do this alone. I can sneak my way through the building and try to find the arsenal. I know how to be quiet, I don't make a noise. Y'all know that. If anyone comes with me, I'm afraid that they'll blow my cover."

She silently listens as the guards call Eddie some names and she frowns deeply, her eyes rolling. These men are assholes and she's just now realizing it. As one of the guys walk in to the building, Aria draws in a deep breath. The plan is about to take action and she's scared. Daryl rushes up quietly behind the man, slitting his throat and Aria does her best not to look away. She stays in her spot as she watches her group take away the body before rushing off, leaving Eddie with a gun.

Aria runs out of the woods and towards the back door where she's supposed to enter. Pulling a bobby pin out of her blonde hair, she crouches down. As she roughly pulls the bobby pin apart to straighten it, she shoves it into the keyhole before wiggling it around, her eyebrows scrunched together in concentration. Once the lock clicks loud enough for her to hear, she pulls the bobby pin out and stuffs it in her jean pocket. Aria twists open the knob and steps into the building, quietly shutting the door behind her.

Aria rushes down the dimly lit hall, her breathing quiet. She hopes she can find the arsenal without having to kill anyone but deep down, she knows she'll have to kill them anyway. This is the night where everything's going to change.

Luckily for Aria, the healing wound on her knee isn't slowing her down. Part of her wishes it still hurt so she wasn't able to come on this mission but the other part curses her for thinking that way. This is her family — her friends, she should want to die for them. And she does, she just doesn't want to go around killing everyone. Rick told her that she should be looking for the arsenal, not worrying about having to go stick a knife throat someone's head. And she's grateful he decided that, he knew that Aria wasn't strong enough to do it without an obvious reason.

Aria draws in a sharp breath before slowly opening a door, her head peeking in to see if she found the arsenal but she found something else. A man sleeping quite peacefully. Her eyes move up towards the pictures on the walls and she furrows her eyebrows, quietly moving forward to examine them.

Her stomach begins to churn as her breath hitches in her throat. On the wall are pictures of people with bashed in heads, their blood soaking the ground. Does this group take delight in other people's pain? That makes anger ignite in Aria and she feels her face begin to heat up slightly. She takes a few steps back, her body moving out of the door.

Kill him. One of your friends' picture can be up there next. With her jaw clenched tightly, Aria slides her knife out of her holster, her fingers wrapped around the matte black handle. She slowly advances forward, her eyes trained on his face. "Sorry." She whispers quietly before shoving the knife into his head, killing the sleeping man.

An alarm begins to blare loudly and Aria's eyes widen in fear. This wasn't supposed to happen. They were supposed to do this quietly and quickly. Peeking her head out, she watches as a few men walk out of their rooms, each of them wielding guns. Stumbling back into the room, Aria presses her back against the wall, pulling the black bandana up to her nose to cover the bottom half of her face. Her survival mode is picking through and right now, all of her morals have been thrown out of the window.

Gunshots begin firing loudly throughout the building and Aria darts out of the room, the assault rifle held tightly in her hand. The men turn towards her and she pulls the trigger, bullets rapidly flying out of the gun. Each man falls down to the ground as blood spills out of them and Aria rushes past the group of bodies, eyes darting around for anyone.

Now that she has seen what these people do, she's ready for what's to come.

oo.. negan's coming. y'all should answer these three questions i have for y'all, i would love to hear your thoughts. :)

do you think negan and aria are going to get along?
do you want negan and aria to get along?
how do you think aria is going to deal with everything?

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