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CLUTCHING A WET rag in her hand, Aria gently rubs Carol's face with it, cleaning off the dry blood and dirt

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CLUTCHING A WET rag in her hand, Aria gently rubs Carol's face with it, cleaning off the dry blood and dirt. Aria's a little disappointed in herself because Beth didn't make it out, only Noah did. She's happy and relieved Noah made it but she wishes Beth did too, the two young adults deserve all the happiness they can get in this world. Sighing lowly, Aria shoves a piece of her hair out of her face, gently sitting in the bed beside Carol. She wants to leave. She wants to be back with her group, fighting with them.

Digging her nails into her palms, Aria stands to her feet, her eyes studying the heart monitor. Carol's going to be alright—she has to be and Aria is going to go berserk if she isn't going to be okay. Aria leans down, planting a gentle kiss on Carol's forehead before walking out of the hospital room, shutting the door closed behind her. Aria turns her head as she hears someone yelling. "No, Percy, tell me. Should I use smaller words? Is the directive fix the hole in my sleeve too complicated for you?"

Aria glances behind her at Beth, their faces full of worry. "I'm sorry. I forgot." The older man stutters and Aria's eyes soften slightly. "Well, here's an idea. Don't forget." The officer pushes the older man back and Aria rushes forward, crouching down next to the older man as she glares up at the police officer. "What about you? You any good with needle and thread?" The police officer asks Beth, completely ignoring Aria's glare. Dawn walks past the man, looking down at Aria before turning towards Beth. "I need them both. Sorry, we have a lot of work to do. Come on Aria and Beth." She utters before the police officer has a chance to ask Aria.

Quickly pulling Percy to his feet, Aria rushes after Dawn and Beth, her converse squeaking against the tile.

♚ ♛

Aria sits on the end of her bed, playing with the end of her gray sleeve. Apparently Rick wants to exchange three officers for Beth, Carol, and Aria but Aria doesn't see Dawn giving into that. Their could be a fight on their hands and Aria needs to be ready. Standing to her feet, she grabs her jacket before walking out into the hall, her eyes meeting Beth's. "Ready?" Aria asks, to which Beth responds with a curt nod.

Sighing lowly, the two females walk side by side as Steven emerges with Carol in a wheelchair. Beth takes the handles of the wheelchair and begins pushing Carol as the group of four walk silently towards the face off, their hearts beating in their ears. Aria squints her eyes slightly as she notices movement behind the double doors and Carol reaches up, grabbing Aria's hand. The police around them put up their weapons and Dawn clicks the button on her small radio. "Holster your weapons."

Waiting somewhat impatiently, Aria nibbles on her bottom lip, her nerves overcoming her. The door is pulled open and Aria squeezes Carol's hand, her body tensing slightly. Her group emerges into the hall and Aria cranes her neck to see behind the two police officers, they're there and it calms her nerves just a little. Dawn motions for the three females to move forward and they do, Aria dropping Carol's hand in the process as she moves beside Beth. "They haven't been harmed." Aria's eyes gaze around and they meet Daryl's, both of their bodies visibly relaxing before tensing back up. They can't be too relaxed. "Where's Lampson?"

In that moment, Aria's heart dropped. Dawn isn't going to go through with that deal. Two for three? That isn't a fair deal. "Rotters got him." The female officer replies, Rick standing behind her. "We saw it go down." Reaching up and tugging her hair behind her ear, Aria quirks up an eyebrow. "I'm sorry to hear that. He was one of the good guys." Aria's eyes trail over towards Noah and he gives her a small nod of reassurance and she returns one. "One of yours for one of mine." Rick nods, motioning for Daryl to walk forward with the man in his hands.

A police officer meets Daryl halfway with Carol's wheelchair and then Dawn pulls Beth forward, leaving Aria behind. Gulping, Aria runs her tongue over her body lip, her nails digging in her palm. Once Beth is out of Dawn's grasp, Dawn motions for Aria to walk forward, which she does. As she begins to walk past Dawn's body, Dawn grabs ahold of her elbow, pulling her back. Aria turns her head, glaring up at Dawn. "Give me Noah in exchange for Aria."

Shaking her head rapidly, Aria meets eyes with Daryl, sending him a pleading look. Keep Noah! She screams in her head, hoping he catches the hint. "No—Noah has paid his due. He's done." Aria growls through gritted teeth, her fists turning white as she clenches them harder. Rick sends Aria a pointed look and she stays silent as he begins walking towards them. "That wasn't part of the deal." Rick states calmly, stopping a few feet away from the two. As Noah begins to slowly walk forward, Daryl shakes his head, gently pushing the young adult back. "He ain't staying." Dawn sighs lowly before shrugging. "Well than, we don't have a deal." Turning Aria back around the two of them begin to walk towards the police officer and Aria lets out a few profanities under her breath.

"Dawn—wait!" Noah calls out, rushing forward as fast as he can. Dawn turns around, pulling Aria with her. Narrowing her eyes at Noah, she shakes her head. Don't you dare do it, kid. She silently thinks to herself, her head tilting to the side. "I have to do this." Noah utters, handing over his pistol Rick had gave him. Rick shoves the gun in his pants, sending a glare towards Dawn. Pushing Aria forward, Aria and Noah share an embrace and Aria gently rubs his back.

"You don't have to do this." Aria whispers, tears brimming in the corner of her eyes. Noah nods, squeezing her tighter. "I do." Pulling away, Aria bites her lip, blowing out a breath. Walking past him, Beth advances forward, her boots clicking against the white tile. Beth hugs Noah tightly as Aria walks towards Daryl, her face full of sadness. "You alright?" Aria nods, answering Daryl's question before turning around her eyes landing on Beth as she pulls away from Noah, slowly walking towards Dawn. "I get it now." She utters before plunging something into Dawn's chest, a gunshot echoing through the halls. "No!" Aria rushes forward, falling to her knees next to a dead Beth.

Shaking her head, tears fall down Aria's face as another gunshot goes off, a body thudding to the ground, Aria not even looking up. She had one job and that was to protect Beth and Noah. She failed. Now she sees why everyone had called her a failure.

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