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THE CAR HALTS, Aria climbing out of the green vehicle

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THE CAR HALTS, Aria climbing out of the green vehicle. "Why are we stopping?" Rick asks, walking around the vehicle. Aria checks the ammo in her pistol before shoving it back in her holster, shrugging an assault rifle onto her shoulder. "It's better if we park away, they won't see us coming." She mumbles, rubbing her tired eyes. A small yawn escapes her dry and chapped lips and she quickly brushes the tiredness away, trying to focus on the task at hand.

The group of five make their way into the green woods, ignoring the lone walker growling at them. Walking quietly in front of Daryl and Rick, Aria stares ahead of her, her face emotionless. She's tired and her wound stings but she could just stay at the prison and hope for them all to come back safe, she wouldn't of been able to sleep anyway. She wouldn't forgive herself if anything happened to them and she was off sleeping peacefully.

They're her family and family isn't about blood or last names. It's about showing up and being there for them when they need it most. Even if sometimes you aren't on the same page, you would do anything for eachother. It's the people you will die for—that's your family.

"Rick." Daryl utters and growls fill the air. Aria crouches down once she hears Rick demand then to and she glances around at the walkers, her hands fiddling with the throwing knives in her holster. "Formation. No gunfire." Aria stands to her feet, getting a throwing knife ready before launching it through the air, the blade piercing through the walker's eye. Rushing forward, she grabs the small knife, shoving it in the holster. Pulling her bigger knife out, she shoves it into the temple of a walker. "There's too many." Daryl growls, his eyes glancing around at the surrounding walkers.

Aria accidentally bumps into Daryl's side, muttering a quiet apology. "Through there." Rick quietly calls, pushing his way through the green leaves. Daryl gently pushes her forward through the branches, quickly following behind her. The two haven't spoke much since that night and Aria still thinks about it. She still likes him, she's just trying really hard not to. They may not admit it, but they miss their deep conversations and their comfortable silence.

"Come on." Rick says, leading the group towards an abandoned house. Running quickly up the small set of stairs, Rick kicks the door open, everyone quickly rushing in to avoid the oncoming small herd of walkers. A gag comes from Aria and she quickly covers her nose and mouth, a disgusted look on her face. "What's that smell? It's loud." Gently walking forward, Michonne and Aria stay close to the door, their eyes darting around cautiously. They may be different but they both know anything can happen.

Light illuminates a dead dog and Aria frowns, her hand lowering from her face. The walkers bang on the weak door, the bangs echoing through the cabin. Aria's eyes trail over to the bed with a blue comforter on it and her eyebrows furrow as she studies the lump in the bed. Aria leans over towards Michonne, a nervous look on her face. "Hey—you see the lump too?" She quietly asks, her eyes not leaving the suspicious looking spot. Michonne slowly nods, glancing back at the door.

Daryl and Rick slowly walk closer towards the bed, their knives held tightly in their hands. Rick flips the comforter up, a man bolting upright as he looks around at the group. "Who the hell are you?" He questions, his voice booming. Aria looks back at the door, the banging becoming harsher and louder. Biting her lip nervously, Aria squeezes her fingers around the handle of her knife. "We don't mean any harm." Rick tells him, his hands held up in surrender as the man stands up, a shotgun in his hands.

"Get outta' my house." He snaps, a crazed look in his eyes. Aria's eyes widen and she gulps, her tongue running over her bottom lip. "Okay—okay. We will, but we can't right now." The crazed man looks around the small cabin, his eyes meeting everyone's. "I'll call the cops!" He exclaims, his body swaying side to side as if he was drunk. Rubbing her sweaty palms against her jeans, Aria takes a deep breath. "I am a cop. Now I need you to lower the gun." Rick tells him, slowly crouching down to the ground, setting his stuff down by his feet.

The shotgun clicks, the barrel of the gun shoved in Rick's face. "Show me your badge." The man demands and Aria swiftly pulls her big knife out, stepping forward. "Alright. It's in my pocket—it's in my pocket." Rick breathes out, his hands lowering towards his jeans pocket. As the man gets distracted by Rick's hand lowering, Rick pulls the shotgun out of his grasp, a gunshot going off. Wood flies from the hole in the door and Aria looks over towards a dunked down Daryl, worry covering her face.

The bangs and the growls increase and Aria turns her head, her eyes narrowing. "Shut him up." Michonne growls, her hand instinctively on her sword. The man bites Rick's arm and begins to run towards the door, calling out helplessly. Aria stands in front of the door, grabbing the man by his shoulders. Glancing behind him, Michonne nods and Aria shoves the man back, the sword piercing through his chest, blood dripping off the tip.

She releases a shaky breath as she moves out of the way of the door, her eyes trained on the dead man. Aria zones out as she stares down at him, thoughts racing through her mind. That was the first time she had killed someone but it was to save her life and her groups—was she in the wrong? Sure, she's killed dead people who have came back to life, but that's different, they're trying to kill you. The group would've ended up dead if Michonne and her wouldn't have done something, maybe it was for the better.

"Come on." Daryl grunts, pushing Aria along and out of the back door. Stumbling over her feet, she quickly catches her balance, running after Michonne and sneaking right past the feasting walkers.

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