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SCREWING THE OIL cap back on, Aria slams the hood shut, her bag slinging around her shoulder

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SCREWING THE OIL cap back on, Aria slams the hood shut, her bag slinging around her shoulder. "Done?" Carol asks and Aria nods, her eyes staring at the ground. She hasn't spoken to anyone since she had snuck out, they didn't even notice she was gone. So why tell them that this man almost had his way with her? She's not going to but she sure is shutting herself out and everyone—including Daryl sees it.

She hasn't said anything to him except a hey and that was it. When he had gotten back, Aria was laying on her bed, staring blankly at the bars above her. Setting her bag into the green car, she shrugs on her jacket, Daryl walking towards her. "Be safe." Aria raises her head slightly as she nods, a small and fake smile being sent his way.

♚ ♛

Bullets shoot out of her gun as she raises up, shooting at the group the Governor has brought in. All she can see is red and the incident that happened yesterday is flashing through her mind. She hates his men, she hates him a lot. The man that attempted brought back old memories that she was hiding deep down inside her and now they have resurfaced.

"Aria—Aria it's over." Maggie exclaims, knocking the gun out of the female's hands. Aria turns her head, her vision becoming blurred because of the tears building up. "It's not though. He's not finished." She whispers, shaking her head. She's living in fear and that's not a way to live. Maggie wraps a comforting arm over the shoulders of Aria, picking the gun up. "It's over, for now."

Maggie walks away and Aria rushes inside the cell block, her hands trembling. She's not strong; it took her forever to get over it last time and this happens? She's breaking and she knows it. This time, she doesn't have her twin here to comfort her and her older sister is on the enemies side. The red door slides open and snaps Aria out of her deafening thoughts and she turns, showcasing a fake smile.

"Good plan." Carol mumbles, walking over and planting a motherly kiss on the female's temple. "Thank you." Aria whispers, her cheeks turning light red as she realizes everyone is looking over at her. Chewing on her bottom lip, she meets eyes with Daryl, who sends her a small nod to which she returns. "Now—it's time for the hard part."

♚ ♛

Darkness surrounds the group of five as they crouch down behind a vehicle, gunshots firing. "Tyreese! It's me! Don't —" The female is pulled down by Rick as he sends a nasty glare her way. "Karen — karen! Are you okay?" The man named, Tyreese yells back and Karen pulls away from Rick, standing to her feet, her hands held up in surrender. "I'm fine."

"Where's the Governor?" Aria looks through the scope of the sniper, her eyes squinted slightly. They look familiar. She thinks to herself, her eyebrows furrowing. "He fires on everyone — he killed them all." Karen admits, her voice trembling slightly. Aria looks around Michonne's body, her eyes meeting Rick's as she silently asks him what to do. Hearing Daryl move behind her, she leans forward, out of his way.

"Why are you with them?" Tyreese shouts back after a few minutes of patronizing silence. "They saved me." Karen replies, glancing down at the small group, gratitude in her eyes. "We're coming out — we're coming out." Rick settles and the two females look at each other before sighing. Rick is a crazy motherfucker, that's for sure.

Aria slowly raises up, her sniper dropping to her side and her hands held up in surrender. As they walk out behind the car they used as a shield, the gate opens with a very loud creak. Two people step out and Aria frowns, her feet shuffling across the dirty concrete. "What are you doing here?" Tyreese asks and Rick sighs, his weight shifting all on one leg. "We were coming to finish this until we saw what the Governor did."

"He — he killed them?" Tyreese stutters, his eyes wide as he takes in the news. What would you expect out of a liar? Rick nods, his body trembling as he lowers his eyes to the ground, confirming Tyreese's question. "Yeah. Karen told us Andrea hopped the wall going for the prison. She never made it. She might be here." Aria steps up at the sound of her sister's name, a small glint in her eyes. Daryl looks over towards Aria, his eyes softening slightly. He doesn't want Aria to go through the pain of losing a sibling, again.

♚ ♛

Aria turns the corner, her gun pointed towards the ground. She just wants her sister, is that too much to ask? Her eyes lower down to the puddle of blood under the door and she freezes, her eyes widening. Rushing towards the door, she pulls it open, stepping into the room, her breathing quick. Her eyes catch sight of a dead walker and she turns her head, letting out a breath of relief as she sees Andrea sitting down.

"Andrea." Michonne breathes out, the two females rushing towards her. Aria grabs her sister's hand, a small smile on her face. Immediately Aria feels the heat of Andrea's skin and her and Michonne glance at each other, worry in their eyes. "I tried to stop them." Andrea whispers, dazed.

"You're burning up." Michonne points out and Andrea tilts her head to the side, pulling the collar of her jacket down, showing the one thing Aria wishes she didn't see; a walker bite. Tears well up in Aria's blue eyes and one falls slowly down her cheek as her worst fear comes true. "Judith, Carl — the rest of them." Andrea says, pressing her back against the wall. "Us, the rest of us."

"Are they alive?" Andrea asks and Aria squeezes her hand tightly, nodding. "You kept them alive, Andrea." She whispers, her voice breaking as her throat begins to tighten. Andrea smiles, turning towards Michonne, grabbing her hand. "It's good you found them — please take care of Aria for me." Andrea says, whispering the last part towards Michonne. Turning her head, Andrea meets Aria's glossy eyes. Andrea reaches up, wiping a tear that is falling down the younger sister's face.

"You'll be okay. Y — you have people who care about you." Aria looks behind her, her eyes meet Rick and Daryl's and she draws in a shaky breath before turning back towards Andrea. Andrea sticks her hand in her pocket, pulling out a necklace with an arrow across it. "You're birthday was the day Amy had died and we got in a fight. But, this was your birthday present." Andrea whispers, their eyes meeting. Softly putting the necklace in Aria's hand, she gives the younger female a nod of reassurance. "No one can make it alone now." Andrea chokes out, staring up at Daryl. "I never could." Daryl mumbles, his head shaking. Andrea looks around at the people around her, a small breath leaving her body. "I just didn't want anyone to die."

"I can do it myself." Andrea whispers and Michonne shakes her head, disagreeing as her body shakes in sadness. "No. I have to — while I still can." Andrea turns towards Rick, her eyes meeting his. "Please? I know how the safety works." Rick hesitates before gently setting the Colt Python in her free hand, his eyes lowering to the ground. Aria bites back a sob as she stares at the gun in her sister's hand. "I'm not going anywhere." Michonne states, standing strong for her friend. Aria nods, blowing out a breath. "Me either."

The two men walk out, gently closing the door behind them. Aria's free hand begins to tremble and Michonne gently grabs it, squeezing it.

"I love you, An." Aria whimpers, her lip quivering from the sobs she's struggling to hold back. "I love you too."

Her eyes stay trained on her sister as she raises the gun to her head, pulling the trigger. The grip on her hand falls limp and that's when everything releases; her sobs and cries, the ones she has been holding back for days.

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