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          "BACK TO IT," Negan slams the dangerous bat down on the head of Michonne, her body falling limp against the ground

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          "BACK TO IT," Negan slams the dangerous bat down on the head of Michonne, her body falling limp against the ground. Crimson blood soaks into the dirt as the sick man turns towards Rick, repeating the action. The once light brown dirt begins to paint red with the blood of her family.

"Stop!" The broken voice of Aria cries out, the woman fighting to get to her feet but the hands of Simon hold her down. "Leave them alone," She begs, her vision being blurred by salty tears. Why is it that because of her, her loved ones are dying? His hazel eyes filled with danger turns towards the desperate girl and he chuckles menacingly, crouching down in front of her shaking body.

"Aria," He pauses, his thumb swiping over her cheek to wipe away a tear. "They never loved you, you were just a burden to them. They have never appreciated you, they never will but I'll appreciate the shit out of you. Can't you see that?" He then stands up from his position and swings the bat Daryl's way, the body of the man she loves falling limp.

Aria gasps, her eyes popping open as she sits upright, sweat dripping down her flushed face. Her head shakes slightly, the dream replaying in her mind. A small whimper escapes her lips as she presses her back against the cold wall, clutching her knees to her chest. Her forehead rests against her knees, tears now freely falling down her face. Will she ever be able to escape him? Even in her sleep, he haunts her. That was the one place she thought she would be able to escape it all.

Her teeth dig into her bottom lip and the taste of metallic blood begins to fill her mouth causing her to stop biting down on it. She looks over towards the window, noticing the sunlight shining through and she sighs softly before standing up from the sleeping bag, pulling her hair into a low messy bun. Stretching her arms high above her head, she walks out of the room, making her way out of the house whenever she finished getting ready. Today, they were going to continue the plan. 

In the distance, she sees Michonne and Daryl conversing. She desperately wishes everything was back to normal between them both but with so much stuff going on, they haven't had the time to talk about anything. Just seeing him makes her heart clench inside of her chest -- she longs for him. She misses the way he hugged her whenever it was just the two of them, the way he protected her with all of his might. Why couldn't things go back to how they were before Negan?

"We got everything?" Aria speaks up, avoiding the gaze of Daryl. Her eyes stay fixated on her best friend, who then turns towards her, nodding. Michonne raises a hand, placing her thumb on Aria's chin, inspecting the wounded lip. One of her dark eyebrows quirk up and she looks down at the blonde in worry. 

"What happened?" She asks and Aria shakes her head causing Michonne's hand to fall back to her side. Nobody knows about the nightmares that haunt Aria at night, nobody knows that she's not able to sleep much because of that man and she doesn't plan on telling them about it. 

"Nothing, I accidentally bit my lip," Aria mumbles, blue eyes flickering over towards Daryl, their eyes meeting. Before she had time to stop her, Michonne slips away, leaving the two exes to themselves. The thought of what Daryl said swirls through her mind again and she can feel the sadness and anger seep in her. To distract herself from snapping at him, she begins to gently pull at the end of her shirt, nimble fingers playing with the fabric. His hand grabs ahold of hers and she furrows her eyebrows before pulling her hand out of his hold, shaking her head. 

All Daryl wants her to do is say something, even if it's just to yell at him. He wants her to speak to him but he messed that up, he hurt her and he knew that. Why does he have to be so stupid? Through those eyes of hers, he can see the emotions swimming around, the exhaustion was as clear as day too. Usually, Daryl wouldn't care about other people's feeling but he loves her, even if he's not very good at showing it. "Aria, come on."

"You -- You remember when you told me I trust people too much?" She pauses, looking over to see Daryl nodding his head with a confused look. "You were right, I do trust people too much. I trusted that you would stick with me through this but guess what? I was wrong." With that, Aria begins to walk off, leaving Daryl to stare at her retreating figure. 

"I love you," He mumbles, hoping she would hear him but she didn't, she was too far gone. 


ew, this is a short chapter that is extremely boring and not entertaining at all.. i guess you could call it a filler chapter? i don't know. but, things will be getting real soon. 

also, on the bright side, we got a bit of daria so hey, that's pretty nice. i made daryl be a little vulnerable because aria is always the one trying to mend things but i figured i would switch it up a bit. 

anyway! how is everybody doing during this tough time? i hope you all are doing well and if you guys need to talk or anything, my pm's are always open! <3

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