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ARIA'S JAW CLENCHES as her eyes scan over her group, the eyes that are normally filled with innocence has anger shining through them. Her cheeks and neck begin heating up as she draws in a deep, shaky breath. Aria's angry and disgusted at her group as of now. We will take them out. Aria, we need you to make a plan. Rick's sentence repeats itself in her mind as the group look at her with shock and confusion written all on their faces.
The group didn't even ask her if she was okay with this. They've known her since the beginning, they should know she doesn't like violence. Now, if she knew the 'enemy' was going to do something to her group, she wouldn't mind. But suggesting to kill a whole outpost of people for this group they barely even know irks her, she's pissed. This world has gone to hell, why should they go down with it? They want her to plan a mass murder and she doesn't feel comfortable doing that, that's out of her comfort zone.
The anger that glows in her eyes die down before being replace with sadness and disappointment. Her lips part slightly before pressing back together, her head shaking slowly as no words seem to come out. She doesn't know what to say, she's baffled and shocked. Tears of frustration and annoyance build in her eyes and she closes her eyes before backing away from the group. No matter what she says, the group won't listen to her. She's sure they believe that she doesn't know what she's talking about. But right now, she's not believing they know what they're talking about.
Aria has always been innocent and soft. She's never been one to retaliate and make someone feel worse. People who are rude and want to control others are just insecure themselves. Aria understands what it feels like to be insecure. She just handles it a different way than others. Her group—her family, they want to skip the talking and go straight to the fighting and killing. They think they're doing the right thing but Aria knows this is going to come back and bite them in the ass. They're going to be begging Aria for a plan then, aren't they?
Sure, Aria has killed people before but that was when they were trying to kill her and her group. These people Rick wants to kill, they haven't even encountered nor met and they're just supposed to go callously kill them? Does her group even think? If she goes through and makes this plan, the guilt points are going to add up like crazy. Her soul is going to be filled with guilt and she's not sure if she'll be able to take that. She isn't strong mentally, she can't handle things like that. It will send her to a darker place she doesn't want to return to.
Feeling a presence behind her, Aria swivels around and meets Daryl's eyes. His eyes aren't filled with anger nor jealously, they're filled with compassion, something Daryl rarely ever shows. He saw the way Aria was looking and he could tell she wasn't feeling too good about this, he doesn't want her to think he's some sort of monster because he's trying to protect her and his group. He has seen the way the enemy is, he has encountered them. Aria, she doesn't know that. Daryl hasn't told her but now, he needs to tell her. So she can be on board with the idea Rick had thrown out there.
"Ya' don't understand." Daryl gruffly utters and Aria runs her tongue over her dry lips, a sarcastic chuckle erupting from her throat. "Don't understand what? That I have to make a plan to go and—" Aria abruptly stops talking as she swallows back the bubble forming in her throat. "and kill someone. We haven't even met these people." Huffs Aria as her blue eyes narrow at her boyfriend. Daryl rolls his eyes, his hand rubbing the patch of hair building on his jaw.
He has told Aria before she's too trusting but she obviously hasn't listened. She's too innocent and nice for this world, that's going to get her killed. If he doesn't try to change her nice ways — he's going to lose her.
A U T H O R alright, so i have been attacked before by some readers. they have complained that aria hasn't had any character development. in my opinion, she has. at the start of this book, she barely even talked to anyone, she was extremely sensitive and couldn't kill a walker without freezing up. now, the group looks to her for plans, she has gotten stronger emotionally (sure, she's still a bit sensitive but oh well), and she knows how to kill a walker.
psa, being shy and sensitive is not a bad thing. just because she still is shy and a bit sensitive doesn't mean she hasn't had any character development. that's just her personality. i created her that way because in so many daryl dixon fics i found that many of the main characters were outspoken, outgoing and not emotional (which is not a bad thing.) but i wanted something different so i made aria shy and sensitive. in my eyes, i think the show should have someone shy and sensitive, it would bring something different to the table.