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BLOOD DROPS COVER the floor as Aria runs a mop across it, desperately trying to clean it before Dawn gets mad. Aria sees how the woman is now, she sees how the police officer treats people. Dawn treats them like slaves; like it's their job to work for her.
Footsteps stop in front of Aria and she raises her eyes, meeting a pair of brown ones. "Hi—Dawn told me to bring you these. You must be Aria." Nibbling on her bottom lip, Aria slowly nods before looking back down at the ground, moving the mop around. "I'm Noah." The teenager says, pouring some cleaning solution into the mop bucket. Aria's not sure if she can trust this kid or what, he seems nice enough, but not everyone is what they seem. "Look, I won't hurt you. You can talk to me. I don't want to be here either."
Aria sighs lowly, raising her eyes. "It's nice to meet you, Noah." Aria whispers, she can see the innocence in his eyes and that makes Aria want to protect the teenager, she wants to give him some source of protection. "You'll make it out. I'll make sure of it." She utters, her eyes glancing around for anyone listening.
♚ ♛
Aria pulls the bedsheets further down on Mr. Trevitt's bed as Beth injects some medicine into his arm. "Still at it, huh?" Turning around, Aria sends a small smile Noah's way. The beeping in the machine becomes quicker and Aria spins around, her eyes landing on Mr. Trevitt. His body becomes shaking intensely and despite the mask, he gasps for air. Beth shakes her head, setting her hands onto the bed. Aria rushes over, gently pull Beth away from the bed. Dawn runs into the room, a pair of scissors in her hand.
Shoving the sharp end in Mr. Trevitt's brain, Dawn turns towards the trio, a deadly look in her eye. "What did you do to him?" She asks, her eyes trailing over the three. Beth shrugs her shoulder, her eyes lowering to the ground as she tries to think of an answer. "He was fine until the three of you were alone with him. Something happened. I want you to tell me." Dawn says, pointing the bloody scissors in the direction of the trio. "It was an accident. Beth and Aria left to get some gauze—" Aria shakes her head, stepping forward.
"He's lying. I had thought Mr. Trevitt needed some medicine before everyone went to sleep and I wasn't paying attention to which medicine I grabbed. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Aria speaks up for the first time in front of Dawn. The police officer looks between the two before licking her lips. "Take her to my office." Gorman roughly grabs Aria's elbow and pulls her out of the room, dragging her towards Dawn's office.
Blows land on Aria left and right and she lets out a whimper, her nose throbbing harshly. Aria's vision fades as a fist connects with her temple and she lets herself drift off to sleep.