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ARIA SITS IN the backyard, her hands fondling as she stares up at the twinkling stars. All throughout the day, she's been thinking about that one moment and it won't go away, it's not leaving her mind and it's making her scared.
The door creaks open behind her and the light from the house shines through briefly before disappearing again, footsteps walking towards Aria. The person sits down beside Aria, looking up at the sky. Glancing over, Aria instantly recognizes the messy hair and she relaxes slightly. The couple sit in silence, like they used to do before everything was hectic.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." Daryl mutters, breaking the silence. Aria turns towards him, eyebrows raised. "You didn't. I just get scared in violent situations." Aria assures him, reaching over and hesitantly grabbing his hand. She feels as if this is a good moment to grab his hand but she's not sure because it is Daryl and he's not usually one for contact unless he does it. "Confusing why you'd date me then." Aria rolls her eyes, tilting her head to the side. Daryl is insecure and that saddens Aria. She doesn't want him doubting himself.
Moving up from the ground, Aria crouches down in front of him, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Daryl—you're amazing. I'm so lucky to have you." Aria gently tells him, her eyes searching his for any sign of doubt in his eyes. Daryl stays silent for a few seconds as if he's debating something. He leans forward, hesitating and Aria quickly catches on, leaning the rest of the way until their lips touch. The two share a gentle and sweet kiss before pulling away, staring into each other's eyes.
Their lips smash into each other's once again as they can't contain their needs. Aria hovers over him as he grips her waist, pulling her into his lap, their lips moving in sync. She tugs at the end of his hair, her heart beating rather quickly, the couple pulling away as they're both breathless. Aria plants a small kiss on his cheek, standing up off of his lap and moving towards the door. "Um—you may want to fix your problem before you come in." She tells him, sending him a small wink before rushing inside, hoping no one notices her bright red cheeks.
♚ ♛
Aria walks into Deanna's house, wiping her sweaty palms on her black dress. The black dress is a long sleeve with a v-neck. It hugs her body up until her bellybutton then it flare outs, ending above her knees. "Aria! I'm so happy you could make it." Deanna greets her, rushing towards the shy female. Aria sends the older woman a fake smile, her eyes lowering towards the ground. "I'm sorry I'm late. But thank you for throwing this." Aria whispers and Deanna responds with a curt nod before walking off, leaving Aria to stand there, awkwardly.
Leaning against a wall, Aria looks around, watching as everyone interacts with each other happily, yet here she is; the awkward and quiet female by herself. Taking another sip of the sweet tea, Aria pushes herself off the wall, throwing the cup away as she heads towards the door. "Hey—Aria!" A voice calls out and Aria turns her head, her eyes meeting green ones; James. Aria mumbles a quick greeting before stepping outside into the cold night air, James following behind her.
Aria subtly rolls her eyes before turning towards the man with an uncomfortable look on her face. "Look—about the other day; I truly am sorry. I should've listened when you told me to stop. I just didn't want you to get hit." Aria tilts her head up as she studies the bruises and cuts on his face from Daryl's beating. Lowering her eyes down to his neck, she visibly winces as she notices the finger marks imprinted in his skin. She feels bad for the guy despite being uncomfortable around him. Maybe she looked too much into how low his hands were, he probably wasn't paying attention. Biting her lip, she debates whether or not to accept his apology.
"It's okay. Just when a girl tells you to stop, you should stop." She chuckles lowly before turning to look out into the street. "Uh—i'll see you later." She mumbles before heading towards the stairs. A hand grabs her elbow and she turns towards him with narrowed eyes. But instead of harming her, he pulls her into a hug, causing the female to tense up. Awkwardly patting his back, Aria pulls away and quickly rushes down the stairs before he has the chance to grab her again. Weirdo.
Aria continues to glance over her shoulder, a bad feeling in her stomach as she feels like someone is watching her, she can't shake the feeling off. Isn't she supposed to be feeling safe inside these walls? Yet she feels more scared than she did before. Footsteps sound behind Aria and just as she turns to see what it is, lights from the house beside her turn on and she spins around, her heart racing and body trembling as she feels fear bubble up inside up her. She doesn't know if she imagining stuff or if someone is really watching her; she's petrified.
"Aria? You okay?" Aria turns her head, watching as Aaron's eyes study her pale face and she nods, blinking back the tears that have built up in her eyes. Noticing a head peeking out of the bushes, Aria turns her head towards the the shadow, only for it to disappear. She has to be imagining stuff, no one can be that quick and quiet. Aaron stares at Aria, waiting for her answer and she clears her throat, turning back towards him as she blows out a breath. "Yeah—um, yeah." She tells him, her voice shaky. No, I'm not okay.
Aaron furrows his eyebrows as he struggles to figure out if she is lying or not. "Okay. Eric, Daryl and I were just about to sit down and eat some spaghetti. Do you want to join?" He asks and Aria begins arguing with herself inside her mind. Maybe if she joins them; her fear will fade away and she won't be imagining stuff anymore. But then, she doesn't want to intrude and ruin their day. "You won't be intruding, if that's what you're thinking." Aaron speaks up and Aria nods before walking forward towards his house, wiping her palms on her dress. "Thank you." She utters, stepping inside the beautiful house.