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PULLING THE TRIGGER, Aria watches the walker drop down, Hershel turning to look at her, his eyes wide in surprise

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PULLING THE TRIGGER, Aria watches the walker drop down, Hershel turning to look at her, his eyes wide in surprise. "W—we got to go!" She tells him, ushering him towards the Cherokee. Hershel shakes his head, Aria looking back Rick for help. "It's my farm!" He yells, Rick marching up towards the older man and grabbing his suspenders, pulling him towards the vehicle. "Not anymore."

♚ ♛

Aria watches through the dirty window as the dark scenery passes by. Tears wanting to leak out of her eyes but she can't. Turning her head, she sets a hand on Hershel's shoulder, sending him a sad smile. "I'm sorry. I'm sure they made it out. They had to." She whispers, assuring the older man. She hopes her group made it out alive, that's her family. She's not sure what she is going to do if they didn't.

"Your ankle?" Hershel asks, distracting himself from the thoughts piling his brain. Aria shrugs, pulling her leg towards her chest. Struggling to pull the pants leg up because of the tightness, she lets out a breath as she achieves, her eyes widening at the look of it. The ankle is swollen because of all the pressure she has been putting on it and it's beginning to throb.

♚ ♛

Aria swings her legs back and forth, her blue eyes focused on the road beneath her. They stopped at the highway and are waiting—hoping that the others show up. Aria just wants her sister, Daryl, T-Dog, everyone back. She wants them to question her again about Daryl but instead, it's silent and she hates it.

Her eyes dart back in forth between the road and her ankle which is now wrapped with an axe bandage Hershel had found. Hershel reminds her of her grandfather, caring about the people he loved most and not wanting to give up when anything happens. Her head is beginning to pound and she leans back against the arm rest of the chair, her eyes squeezing shut. She's pretty sure she has a concussion from Shane and that sucks because now they have no antibiotics to treat anything.

Her eyes snap open as a motorcycle revs in the distance and she bolts upward, a gasp escaping her lips as her head throbs. Her feet hit the pavement under her and she walks around the Cherokee, her eyes lighting up as everyone piles out of the cars. Turning her head, her eyes meet Daryl's and she walks over, her arms wrapping around his torso. She could care less right now if he doesn't like hugs, she thought she would never see them again, so she's going to be hugging people. Backing away from him, she turns towards Carol, pulling the woman into a tight hug. The two haven't spoken in a while but that doesn't mean there bond is broken.

Standing beside Daryl, Aria's eyebrows furrow as she looks around for one specific person; Andrea. "A—Andrea?" Aria speaks up, her voice full of confusion and sadness. Her eyes meet many sad eyes and they all break eye contact with her, lowering their eyes to the ground. "She saved me, then I lost her." Carol speaks up, looking towards the female. Andrea could still be alive and that sparks hope in Aria. "We got to go back." Aria stares, heading towards the Cherokee, determination on her face.

"No—we saw her go down." And the hope dies down. Aria drops her hand from the handle, her lip trembling as tears build up in her eyes. Her sisters, both of them; gone. She's left alone without the two people she grew up with, without the two people who knew her best and than realization dawns on Aria. Andrea died probably thinking Aria didn't love her. Aria sulks away from the group, her hair hiding her face as tears fall down.

She pulls herself onto the tailgate of a truck, her back towards the group as her hand covers her mouth to silence the sobs trying to escape her. She's the last Harrison and she doesn't like it. Arms hesitantly wrap around her shaking body and she breaks down, the sobs releasing themself. "They're gone and they shouldn't be. They were fighters and I'm not! They should be the ones here, not me." She rants, her voice breaking.

"Shut the hell up. I don't to hear you talking like that again." Daryl grumbles, pulling away from the female, the warmth leaving her body. Biting her lip, Aria squeezes her eyes shut as her cries has made her head pound worse. "Come on." He utters, grabbing her wrist and helping her off the tailgate. Everyone gets in the vehicles, getting ready to leave the highway.

Aria wraps her arms around Daryl's torso as he drives after the Cherokee, the wind blowing her blond hair back.

aww, daryl's a soft little teddy bear to aria..


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