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A SLIGHT CHILL RUNS down Aria's spine, causing her to shake a little before the heat hits her again, warming her body up. It's getting close to winter and she's not sure if she should be excited or not. The group has had to work in these hot temperatures under the scorching hot sun but now that winter's right around the corner, the days won't be too bad, it's the nights she's worried about.
Walking towards the light green car with ammo in her hand, her eyes trail over to Daryl. The conversation from the night before rises in her head and she frowns, her eyebrows furrowing. Her and Daryl are just friends, nothing more. She doesn't understand why girls and guys can't hang out without people thinking they're dating.
Handing the ammo over towards Daryl, she avoids contact, not wanting anyone to accuse them of flirting or anything. As the group of five get ready to leave, a red and white vehicle barrels down the road, alerting the group. Her eyes stay trained on the car as the group runs over, greeting their three group members with open arms. "Who the hell is that?"
The group turns their heads in unison, studying the boy in the back. A red blindfold prevents him from seeing anything as pellets of sweat drips down his face. His head tilts back towards the ceiling from being passed out. "That's Randall." Glenn replies, looking around at the skeptic group. They aren't used to new people arriving, definitely when the new person is blindfolded and knocked out.
Aria stands near the back of the group, barely listening to a word they say as her mind wonders with thoughts. This kid could be a danger to the group, no, he's most definitely a danger. He was shooting at her group for crying out loud and they save him? Stupid. Though, she would probably do the same thing so, she's stupid too. All she knows is if he lay a hand or even sends a wrong look to her group, she's going to send her foot up his ass.
She can be protective and strong in certain situations, she just doesn't like to because she knows people will pay attention to her. She likes having the freedom, she likes how she can sneak away and no one notice. But other times, she hates it. She wants people to ask her how she is doing or worry about her when she's gone, but they don't. It can be both a curse and a blessing.
Aria looks up from the ground, glancing over to the new presence across from her. She will admit—Daryl isn't bad looking, at all. But she doesn't know if she would be willing to date him or anyone because of this world. She lost her twin sister, she doesn't want to lose anyone else, but that comes with living, right? You have to live to die and that sucks. It's hard living in a world where death is becoming an everyday thing.
A door slams open, knocking Aria out of her thoughts. Looking around the room, she notices Shane gone and she purses her lips, confused at what happened. Andrea brushes past her sister, racing after the missing man. Has anyone even thought that maybe Shane and Andrea are getting it on? The thought sure has passed through Aria's brain.
As everyone begins to leave, Aria trails behind them, keeping her distance. She doesn't really feel like talking to anyone right now, she has too much stuff running through her mind. Plopping down against a tree, Aria crosses her legs, staring off into the distance. She's tired and not energy tired, mentally tired. She's tired of people, of walkers, of everything. But she wants to continue to live because she knows that she would miss being tired, as weird as that sounds.
The brown and brittle dirt runs through Aria's fingers as she watches it fall back down to the ground, leaving her hand. She remembers how Amy and her used to make mud-pies in her front yard when they were toddlers. Every time, Amy would splatter the mud all over Aria, intuiting a mud war. The end result would be horrendous as they both would be covered in mud, head to toe. Her mom would be mad at them but she couldn't help but smile at the two twins, forgetting all about the anger.
Aria misses Amy, badly. Missing someone hurts because it's your heart reminding you that that person isn't there. Amy was Aria's rock, always there for her when Aria needed her, no matter what was going on. It's different when your rock is missing because you feel lost, you have no one to have your back when someone decides to stick a knife in it.
Aria raises her eyebrows as she hears rustling beside her. Turning her head to the side, she catches sight of Daryl staring down at the ground, seemingly deep in thought. Maybe everyone's mind is racing today. "Are you okay?" Aria speaks up, stretching her legs out. Daryl looks up from the ground, his ocean blue eyes meeting Aria's sapphire colored ones.
After a few minutes of staring, Aria tilts her head to the side, confused as to what is taking so long. Clearing his throat, Daryl breaks the eye contact, nodding. "Yeah." He utters, messing with the hole in his jeans. Nodding slowly, silence dances through the air, the wind blowing between the two.
"How do you feel about it?" Daryl sighs, Aria furrowing her eyebrows. "How do you feel about the kid." He corrects, raising his eyes from the kneehole. Aria shrugs slightly, a small frown playing on her peachy lips. As she forms a sentence in her mind, she fumbles around with the hem of her t-shirt. "I—I think he could be dangerous, but I'm not hundred percent sure." Daryl hums back a response, silently agreeing with her. Comfortable silence circles the two and Aria leans her head back against the tree, her eyes watching the swaying leaves. She loves it when silence can be comfortable and not awkward, it makes her like the person even more.