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"GO GET RICK AND DARYL." Aria demands Maggie through the bandana over her face, shoving a pole through a walker's eye. The fence shakes violently as the walkers snap at Aria. Blood splatters over her face and she ignores it, the pole being pulled out of the limp body. The group rushes over and begins helping Aria kill off the walkers, adrenaline pulsing through their veins.
A walker pushes its face onto the wired fence and Aria stares at it before shoving the pole into its head. "Are you seeing this?" Sasha alerts the group and Aria stops, walking over to where she's looking. Confusion dances through her as she stares down at the bloodied rats, her eyebrows raising. "Is someone feeding these things?" The fence makes a loud creaking sound and Aria turns her head, Daryl rushing over towards the caving part. "Heads up." He calls, Aria standing beside him as she pushes her pole through a walker's eye. "Hold on—hey, hey!" Glenn yells frantically, the group backing up from the almost fallen fence. "It's gonna give—it's gonna give!" Rick shouts, pushing against the fence. Aria drops the pole, her hands pressing into the wires and her heels digging into the gravel.
As if a lightbulb lights up in her head, Aria backs away, pulling Rick with her. "We need to get rid of the pigs." She simply says and Rick quickly catches on, looking over towards Daryl. "Daryl, get the truck." Rick utters and Daryl races off.
♚ ♛
Staring down at the burnt bodies, Aria chews on her thumbnail, her heart beating quickly. There's a murderer in this prison and they don't know who, it could be anyone. "I came to see Karen and I saw the blood on the floor then I smelled them. Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire. They killed them and set them on fire!" Aria would be fuming if she found Daryl like this, it's just cold blooded.
Tyreese turns towards Rick, his chest slightly puffed out. "You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me!" Tyreese pats his chest, anger evident in his voice. Daryl grabs the man's arm, wanting to calm him down but failing. Tyreese pushes Daryl back, his eyes still set on Rick. "I need to say it again?" Aria would be quivering in her shoes if she was in Rick's position, she's just that type of person; the sensitive and submissive type.
"No. I know what you're feeling—i've been there. You saw me there, it's dangerous." Rick calmly states, his hands held out in front of him. Rick is calm in frantic situations and Aria admires that, he knows how to talk to someone. "Karen didn't deserve this. David didn't deserve it. Nobody does." Tyreese's voice booms, his fists clenched at his sides. That worries Aria because he can punch Rick at any second now and what's she supposed to do? Claw the man with her broken nails?
"Alright, man, lets—" Daryl grabs Tyreese's shoulder and in a blink of an eye, Daryl is backed up onto the poles, Tyreese in his face. Rushing forward with her hand set on her gun, Daryl shakes his head, silently telling the trio to stop. "We're on the same side, man." Daryl's gruff voice speaks out and Aria slightly shivers. Funny how his voice can make her weak in the knees in a situation like this.
"Hey—look, I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down." Rick gently sets a hand on Tyreese's shoulder and the bigger man swings around, ramming himself and Rick into Aria. "Holy—fuck." Aria groans out as her ass collides with the concrete, her body skidding across the ground. She seriously needs to stay away from people, she's too clumsy for all this.
Carol grabs Aria's arm and hastily pulls her up and out of harms way as Tyreese lands a punch on Rick's cheek. This is her family he's messing with and she's not going to deal with that. Aria walks towards Rick, only to stop abruptly in her tracks when Tyreese punches him again. Daryl grabs Tyreese's body and holds him back, Rick climbing back up to his feet. Before Aria can do anything, Rick rears back and punches Tyreese in the nose, Daryl dropping the man from the impact. Rick lands a kick to Tyreese's ribs and the leader begins to straddle the bigger man, his fists connecting with Tyreese's face multiple times.
Daryl and Aria rush forward, both of them grabbing onto Rick. "Let go of me!" Rick yells, thrashing in Daryl's tight grip. As Daryl brings Rick up to his feet, he pushes Daryl off of him. Aria narrows her eyes, pushing Rick back as he walks back towards Tyreese. "Violence is not the answer. You both are acting like fucking children so I'm going to treat you like children. Go get your hand fixed—we will try and figure out what's going on." Aria snaps, anger pulsing through her body because of the two immature men.