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ARIA RUNS A rag over the metal tools, her hands trembling slightly. Her face is bruised and battered from the beating she had received from Dawn. She's not upset at Beth nor Noah, they did nothing wrong, she protected them; they're her priority. And getting them out of this shitty place is her job and she'll die doing it if she has to.
Turning around, her eyes meet Dawn's and she narrows them, brushing past the police officer. Dawn grabs Aria's arm, pulling her back. "I had to do that." Aria chuckles lowly, shaking her head. "No, you didn't. You're just a bitch who thinks she's in control of everything." Aria spats before yanking her arm out of Dawn's grasp and walking away, leaving the police officer in shock. That was the first time Aria has stuck up for herself without anyone guiding her and it felt good.
Aria walks into the room Noah and Beth are in and she sends them a gentle look. "I'm getting y'all out of here." She utters, pulling two pieces of paper out of her pocket and shoving them in Noah's hand. "The top paper is where our group is held up at, they'll take you in and protect you. Give the other paper to either Daryl Dixon or Rick Grimes, everything is explained in it." Glancing behind her, Aria spots some officers walking towards the room and she grabs some medicine, looking towards the two. "Who needed the medicine?" She asks them quietly and the two police officers step in the room, pulling the bottles out of her hand. "Don't want you killing anyone else." Gorman winks at Aria and she clenches her jaw, her eyes narrowing at him. Drawing in a deep breath, she moves past him, her composure tensed.
♚ ♛
Aria grips onto the makeshift rope, her eyes darting between Noah and Beth. "Y'all be safe." She whispers before pulling Beth into a hug and placing a soft and tender kiss on Beth's forehead. Turning towards Noah, she gently kisses his forehead. Even though she's only like 5 years older than the two, she looks out after them like they're her children, that's just her personality.
Aria digs her heels into the ground as Noah and Aria work together to lower Beth. The makeshift rope begins slipping from Aria's tight grasp and she clenches her jaw as she struggles to stop the rope from falling too fast. Once Beth has landed, Aria looks back at the doors, her heart racing. "I'm going to head back. Be careful." She whispers before jogging towards the door, swinging one side open. Sneaking out of the door, she draws in a deep breath before advancing forward, her sweaty palms rubbing against her scrubs.
Gunshots echo from below her and Aria lets out a loud scream, her body dropping to the ground. She needs to distract the police officers somehow and acting like somethings happening is the way to go. People rush over towards Aria as her loud screams continue to echo down the hall. "Get away!" She screams loudly, some people covering their ears from her screeches. "Take her to her room." Dawn demands Steven and he pulls the thrashing girl up. Hitting her fists against his back, she groans loudly as she watches the police officers leave the building.
Steven shoves something into her arm and Aria becomes drowsy as she falls limp in his arms.
♚ ♛
Noah lays under the bookshelf, his breathing erratic as his eyes stay trained on the walker through the door. "Why you followin' us?" The guy with the angel vest yells as he leans over a writhing Noah. "I—I didn't, I swear! I thought you followed me." Noah pleads, his hands gripping onto the brown shelf. The young adult lets out a groan as he struggles to pick the bookshelf off himself. He mentally scolds himself for being so weak.
"Have fun with Hoss over there." The man growls after lighting up the cigarette. Noah shakes his head, his heart beginning to race quicker. "No, no! Please!" Noah cries out. He was supposed to make it out and find Aria and Beth's group; yet here he is, laid up under a bookshelf, about to die. "Daryl—daryl! Stop." The name clicks in Noah's brain and his eyes widen slightly. This man is in Aria's group, he's the one Noah's supposed to give the note to.
"No, let him be." Reaching down into his pocket, Noah pulls the two notes out, clutching them tightly in his grip. "Aria and—and Beth." Noah tells out, stopping Daryl in his tracks as he slowly turns around, his eyes narrowed into slits.
The walker falls onto the bookshelf, grabbing onto Noah's shirt. It's too late. The young adult thinks. Just as the walker snaps it's jaws at Noah, an arrow pierces through its brain. The bookshelf and walker is lifted off of him and Daryl pulls him up, looking him straight in the eye. "What about them?" He snarls, his fist wrapping tighter around the shirt. Noah gulps, raising the two notes up. Daryl drops Noah, swiftly pulling the two notes out of his hand.
Hastily opening the paper, Daryl's eyes run over the paper, his heart beating rapidly. "Where's Beth?" Daryl gruffly asks and Noah lowers his eyes down to the ground. "They had gotten her before she could escape." Not only is the girl who's like a little sister to him trapped in the hospital, so is his girlfriend. Life's fucking great, isn't it?