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FORGIVE; ITS A strong and powerful word. Forgive means to cease the resentment against someone who has done you or someone else wrong. Forgiving does not mean forgetting, forgiving means you can remember what happened without feeling angry at that person. And forgiving is not for others, it is for yourself. You're freeing the anger from your body and releasing it.
Aria has always been a big forgiver. She forgave the bullies who had thrown insults at her or inflicted wounds upon her body. She forgave her father for being inconsiderate and yelling at her for the scars she had painted on her skin. She even forgives Kyle for trying to take advantage of her body. But.. she can't find it in herself to forgive anymore. She's tired of it, she's tired of being called weak for standing up for what she believes in. She's tired of fighting for her morals.. she's ready for a change.
I hate you. I hate you so much, I can't even comprehend it. My group will kill you, you better believe it.
Aria Harrison
Aria stares at the letter before setting it down on the bed, right next to the plate the sandwich was on. Standing to her feet, Aria grabs the water bottle before unscrewing the lid and dumping the rest of the clear liquid down her throat. She throws the water bottle in the trash can before grabbing Jesus's knife and clutching it tightly in her hand.
She quietly opens the door and steps out, her eyes darting around for anyone. Pulling the door closed, she rushes down the hall, her body staying close to the wall. She looks both ways before darting towards the door leading to the outside. She swings it open before running towards the motorcycles, looking around at them. Once realizing that none of them have a key in them, Aria's eyes lower down to the man's body on the ground and she sighs lowly, crouching beside his body.
"Aria?" She springs upward, her eyes wide as she spins around, her mouth open. Dwight glares at her, Daryl's crossbow in his hands.
"This is all just a dream, when you wake — oh, I give up." Aria sighs, rubbing her forehead as she takes a few steps forward holding her arms up in surrender. The scarred man walks forward, the crossbow lowering as he grabs Aria's wrist.
"Why do you stay by Negan's side?" Dwight freezes, turning his head towards her as he rolls his eyes.
"Why do you always ask this question?" He scowls, pulling her behind him as he begins walking back to the sanctuary. Aria digs her heels into the ground, stopping him in his tracks.
"You would be so much stronger with another group. Here, you're held back by Negan. He likes keeping you here because of the scar on your face, he keeps you around here because you're a reminder to everyone that he's in charge and he'll do anything to stay in charge."
"Dwight, you're good, I can tell. I've met your wife, she's a real sweetheart and I realize now that you stay here so Negan won't harm her. That's a real nice thing to do but here's some advice, you need to get your wife and get out of here because keeping her here is only making things worse. You're not saving her if she's not doing well mentally." Dwight's grip on Aria's hand loosens and his arm falls back down to his side as he takes in Aria's words, his eyes softening.
"Go." He mutters and Aria's eyes light up as she smiles small before running towards the dead guy.
Her hands pat around his jeans until she feels the outline of a key and she perks up as she pulls the key out, her eyes studying the small object. Standing straight up, she walks towards the motorcycle with the same logo.
The motorcycle revs up and she stares down at it, lips pursed. She has no idea how to do this but there's a first time for everything, right?
Glancing back, she sends Dwight a wave before driving off, disappearing out of his sight.
♚ ♛
The young female travels through the forest, sweat pouring down her bright red face. She twirls the metal knife in her hand, silently praying that she finds a shelter soon. She needs a break, her body and mind is exhausted from walking nonstop.
She misses her group, her family. But she can't go back, not now. Negan will look for her there and she isn't going to risk anyone else dying. She feels like she's abandoning them but she's not, she's planning. She's making a plan to defeat Negan and his group of minions. She secretly knows Negan isn't going to make mends with the group, it's just how he is. And she will fight back if he wants to fight. That's how she is now.
Leaves crunch behind Aria and she swings around, her knife held out in front of her. Her eyes wander around, confusion covering her face as she looks for the threat. Something hits the back of her head and she falls forward, her body hitting the forest floor beneath her.
Black dots begin to fill her vision and she feels herself being dragged through the forest, unknown voices filling her ears.
♚ ♛
Aria awakes with a startle, her mouth as dry as a desert. Confusion dawns on her as she glances around at the unknown place. She was sure it was the Saviors that found her but this isn't the sanctuary.
The door slams open against the wall, causing Aria to flinch from the noise, her heart beginning to race quickly. She struggles against the ropes around her wrist, her teeth biting down against the cloth in her mouth. "Aria?" The mentioned female turns her head, her eyes catching sight of a familiar looking woman.