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PEEKING OVER DARYL'S shoulder, Aria quickly scans over the wall built with tires

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PEEKING OVER DARYL'S shoulder, Aria quickly scans over the wall built with tires. The two men look back at her and she bites her lip, a nervous look on her face. She can make plans for easy stuff but this—this can end in life or death. Shaking her head, she takes a deep breath, mentally telling herself that she can do this.

"Firstly, we need to figure out where they are held at. When we figure that out, we are going to have to use the tear gas because I'm 99.9% sure that they'll be people guarding the place—either from the inside or the outside." She informs them, her voice low but high enough to where they can hear her clearly. "This is probably going to end in gunfire and we need to be ready for that. If you get shot, tell someone—we'll cover you." She concludes, her eyes darting back over to the patrols. Her plan isn't all that good because she doesn't know the inside interior, Michonne will have to lead the rest and Aria can only hope they all make it out alive.

"Hey—hey!" Oscar whispers harshly and Aria glances back, confusion covering her face as she watches Michonne leave. Shaking her head, she looks back at the men, frustration seeping through. "We need her. She knows the interior." Aria utters, her blue eyes meeting Daryl's. "We'll be fine." He assures her before looking back over at the wall, his heart beating rapidly. He misses her. He misses how she would hum quietly to fill the silence and how she would blush when she done something embarrassing. He's upset at himself for pushing her away from him because she's the only one who gets him, the real him. When her and Carol went missing, it felt like he was missing a part of him and that when he realized; he likes her.

A twig snaps and Aria turns around, the rifle around her body raised. She lets out a breath she was holding as she watches Michonne motion for them to follow her. Aria slowly raises up, following after the female, her footsteps light and quiet as she quickly walks through the trees.

Aria steps her way through the wood, her body moving slowly as she follows behind Michonne, trying not to make noise. Aria looks around, trying to detect the bodies of Maggie and Glenn but coming up negative. Sighing, she lowers the pistol her hand, her eyes darting everywhere. "This is where you were held?" Rick asks, his voice low as he looks over towards Michonne. "I was questioned." She corrects and Daryl moves past the two females, rushing over towards a lit up curtain.

Aria runs her fingertips over the lids of the jars, dust flying into the air. Moving away from the shelves, her eyes run over the rest of the jars and she turns around, her eyes landing on Daryl as he sneakily peeks through the curtain, a street light slightly illuminating his face. "I thought you said there was a curfew." He asks, his voice gruff as he looks back at Michonne. "The street is packed during the day. Those are stragglers." Michonne informs him, looking him dead in the eye.

"If anyone comes in here, we're sitting ducks. We gotta move." Rick utters, his eyes scanning over the streets. "They could be in his apartment." Michonne suggests, her mind racked with places he could be hiding the two. "Yeah? What if they ain't?" Daryl snaps, him and Rick walking over towards the group of three. Licking her lips, Aria sighs slightly, feeling the tension build. "You said you could help us."

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