7. It's All About Control

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For the first time in a long while, I woke up naturally beside Harry. He was stirring slightly beside me which was comforting. He slowly opened his eyes and they lit up as soon as they met mine. It was as though Harry had missed my touch while we were asleep as he was suddenly on top of me, nuzzling his face into my neck and squeezing my hip. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair, feeling him hum against my skin. He left a lazy kiss to my neck before releasing a content sigh and letting himself relax against me.

"Morning," I mumbled with a smile.

Harry groaned into my skin and slowly trailed kisses up from my neck to my mouth. Our lips met in a kiss and I smiled. Running my fingers through Harry's hair seemed to be comforting when we kissed; he knew that he was in control. As the moments passed however, I knew it was quickly becoming heated. Harry began to shift on top of me, running his hands up and down my body until they found their way into my hair. As his hands began forming into fists in my hair and he grunted against my mouth, I knew what was happening.

With our lips still attached, I ran my fingers up and down his cheeks to comfort him, ignoring the dull pain of Harry's large hands pulling on my hair. I struggled for a moment as I realised me comforting him wasn't working and managed to unwind Harry's fingers from my hair, swiftly turning my head to the side so Harry's mouth let go of mine. It didn't stop him from kissing down my jaw.

"Stop, Harry," I said. "Calm down."

His head lifted from my skin and his face scrunched up in pain. I ran my fingers through his hair and gave him a sympathetic look until his large hands clamped down on my hips to hold me to the bed.

"No," I said sternly, pulling his grasp from me. He attempted to hold me again, but I flipped us over so he was under me. I pinned his wrists down to the mattress and ignored him squirming under me. His eyes were dark and hungry, but it was nothing I hadn't seen before.

"You're not ready, Harry," I told him. "You'll regret what you're about to do. You know that."

"You're wrong. Get off of me," he spat, squirming violently and scrunching his face in anger, but he knew I was right. He was angry with himself more so than with me. He fought against my hold, spitting insults and cries of anger.

I leaned down and rested my forehead on his so he could concentrate on my breathing. Eventually he was copying my breathing and had calmed back down again. I looked into his eyes to see the colour fading back into them. I let his wrists go and climbed off him. He stared distantly up to the ceiling and I knew exactly how he was feeling. I had been in the mind space he was in and it was full of anger and regret, but I didn't judge him for his urges. He wanted a normal relationship, but he didn't have the strength for it yet.

I laid down beside him and slipped my hand into his, but he jerked away from me. I sat up confused and watched Harry turn over on his side away from me. Any attempt I made to comfort him was ignored as he curled up tighter and tighter on the bed. The one thing Harry had never overcome was his ability to talk about how he felt.

"Harry," I murmured. He didn't respond. I sighed and said, "Look I understand that you used to sleep with lots of women before, but now it's different. You need to take it slower, gain control-"

Harry suddenly turned over. "Is that what you think this is about?" he asked angrily. "You think that all I care about is sex?"

I stuttered for a moment. "L-look, Harry, I get it-"

He sat up and shook his head. "No, Rosie, you really don't."

I watched as he climbed from the bed and marched out of the room. I quickly went after him, using my speeding abilities to meet him in the hallway and stand in front of him, stopping him from going down the stairs.

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