24. Seeking Comfort In Others

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This was a new kind of numb feeling. I stared at the front door slammed shut by the one person who had loved me, cared for me, wanted me. The dizziness and nausea of my hangover had subsided, but the pain in my chest was tight and twisting. I could still smell the lingering scent of alcohol in the room. Before I could think about it, I darted over to the coffee table, scooped up all the empty bottles and cans and threw them into the bin. I wetted a cloth and frantically wiped up all the stains left by the drink.

"My family need me," I murmured to myself. "I'll go home and everything will be okay. No more drink. No more hunting."

Convincing myself that things would get better was the only way I could reassure myself that Rosie still loved me. I felt tears push behind my eyes and for the first time, I let them fall. They ran down my nose and onto the table below. I caught my reflection in the glass of the table and stared down at a man I didn't even know. My eyes were red raw and unrecognisable. I was used to the regret of drinking the next day, but the only person I used to hurt when drinking was myself. Now I had hurt Rosie and destroyed my relationship with my daughter. I had no idea whose blood was on those clothes. I had no memory of anything last night.

I ran into the bedroom and picked up the clothes, keeping them an arm's length away from me. The smell of human blood wafted up my nose and I wanted to pull a face in disgust and feel nauseous, but I couldn't help but love it. Before I could think about it anymore, I threw the shirt into the sink, grabbed a lighter and set fire to the clothing. I watched as the material started to burn, growing black before being engulfed by the flame. Smoke billowed upwards and soon the fire alarm started to beep. I snatched a tea towel up from the counter and wafted the smoke away from the alarm until the incessant noise finally stopped. I stared down at the charred shirt, but despite the evidence being destroyed the same words were echoing in my head, and they were true.

You're a killer, Harry.

I jumped out of my skin as a loud and continuous bang on the door echoed around the flat. I wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear from existence, but the knocking was growing louder and soon a familiar voice called through the door.

"Harry? Are you in?"

My eyebrows furrowed. I ran the cold tap onto the remaining bits of material and bounded towards the door. I swung it open to see a jittery, but exhausted Luke. He was out of breath and sweating madly.

"Luke? How did you even find me?"

"I'll do it," he panted, pressing one hand against the doorframe.

"Do what?" I asked.

He looked deep into my eyes. "I'll let you speak to Samuel."


I was falling. It was a sensation I had quickly grown used to. Everything around me was black. I used to be scared, but now the anticipation was building and I grew nervous. What do I say? How do I react around him?

I landed on a hard surface and pulled myself up to my feet. Usually he was here. I began to show concern as I spun around on the spot several times. We had done it right. Luke pressed his forehead to mine and I felt the sensation of being dragged away from reality and into a whole other world. Maybe Luke was too weak. When he appeared at my door, he couldn't stop shaking and sweating as if he had was having withdrawal from an addiction he had been craving.

"Hello?" I called out. "Is anyone there?"


His voice was soft and sincere. I turned around to see him stood there with a strong posture and a warm smile. Just meeting his eyes and watching the way the lines around his eyes deepened as his smile widened brought everything back to me. I was young all over again.

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