21. A Dangerous Presence

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I put Kayla in her pushchair and walked us up to Luke's front door. The curtains were all drawn and there was an eerie silence around the place. I glanced at my watch. 3pm. Was he in? Was he okay?

I knocked on the door and waited, but there was no response. I knocked harder, keeping my eyes on the curtains for any sign of life inside the house. Rain started to lightly fall over us and soon Kayla was getting grumpy, talking in a murmur to herself. I pulled down the top of the pushchair to shield her from the rain and used the side of my fist to bang on the door as hard as I could. Just as I stepped back, I caught something moving in the corner of my eye. My gaze shot to the kitchen window where a face was peering around the curtains. As soon as I saw him, he disappeared again. By this point the rain was coming down heavily.

I lifted up the letterbox and looked through it. I noticed Luke's slim legs in tight jeans shaking as he stood a few feet from the door. I called through it. "Luke, it's me. Please let us in. It's pouring down and Kayla's getting soaked."

Luke remained still. His knees were buckling and soon enough his hand reached out to the wall to keep him up. I instantly grew worried.

"Are you alright, Luke?" I asked.

"I'm ill," he murmured. "I don't want you or Kayla to catch it."

He coughed lightly, but soon it grew worse and he began to have a coughing fit. I could see his hand come up to press against his chest. His knees finally gave out and he sunk down the wall and onto the hallway floor, still coughing and spluttering into his fist. I stood up and pulled down on the front door handle, but it was locked.

"Open the door, Luke. You need to see a doctor."

"I'm fine," he croaked. "Leave me alone."

I looked back through the letterbox to see Luke curled up in a ball against the wall. His arms were wrapped weakly around his legs and his pale face hung by his knees. He could barely keep his eyes open.

Kayla was now crying in her pushchair, struggling against her straps violently. I strongly believed that she was strong enough to break the straps and fall out of the pushchair. I bent down and rubbed her cheek with my thumb to try and calm her down. I knew I should take her home, but Luke also needed help. Without thinking twice, I pushed down on the door handle and rammed the side of my body against the door. The wood creaked against my weight and after a few more attempts of forcing it open using the beast's strength, the lock finally broke and I stumbled into the hallway. Luke's head slowly lifted and our eyes met, but they weren't full of their usual warmth. They were dark and cold, just like Harry's could get.

I took a step towards him, watching Luke's eyes light up in fury. His hair was a mess as though he had been pulling at it from different angles. I noticed his nails were digging into his arms, causing red marks across his skin. This wasn't just an illness.

"What's going on, Luke?"

"Just get out," he growled. I glanced down at his hand, noticing his nails digging into the palm of his hand and piercing his skin. His eyes were red raw and soon he began muttering to himself. "No...I won't...just leave me alone...get out of my head!"

I took a wary step forward, causing Luke's whole body to tense up and his eyes to meet mine. I could hear Kayla's crying growing louder behind me. Luke put his hands over his ears, but he continued to mutter, "Get out of my head."

I bent down beside him. "Who's in your head, Luke?"

His eyes scrunched shut. "I...can't tell you."

"Why not?" I asked. "Nothing bad will happen."

Luke shook his head. "You're wrong."

"You can tell me who is in your head," I reassured him. "I can help."

"You don't get it." His voice was getting louder. "It's threatening...it wants to hurt you."

"Who?" I asked. "Who wants to hurt me?"

"It says it will kill you," Luke murmured. He scrunched his face up in pain. "It wants to feel the life drain out of you under its control. It knows your weaknesses."

Luke's eyes fell upon a crying Kayla behind me. I turned to her and noticed her face slowly calm. She was distracted by something in front of her, giggling and reaching out to it. Her chin fell to her chest and a smile lit up her face just like when Harry would tickle her neck. But there was no one there.

"Kayla," I said, taking a step forward, but her eyes weren't on me. "Kayla, look at mummy."

But she didn't. Instead she was playing with an imaginary figure. Suddenly the buckle on the pushchair straps opened and she climbed out of the chair to walk into the house, arms outstretched and a grin on her face.

"What's going on, Luke?" I asked. "What's she doing?"

"Following him," he whispered. "He likes her."

"Who?!" I yelled. "Tell me!"

"That's it Kayla. Just a few more steps," a voice muttered. I froze to the spot as if my body forgot how to move. Tears filled my eyes and I let out a small sob. I had spent so long trying to forget that voice and how it made me feel. The dreams finally faded, the ones where I was running so far. I was being chased, however no one was behind me. But I felt the presence of someone dangerous. I couldn't sleep since the day I woke up after Louis saved my life, but over time I was able to stop these visions. Kayla had been the distraction I needed from my own mind. Since hearing that voice again, everything came back in sharp and painful flashes. Samuel. It was always Samuel.

I came out of my shocked state to see Kayla approaching a dark figure. It was on its knees reaching out to my daughter the same way she was to it. It was as though Kayla recognised the figure. Before I knew it, I ran over to snatch Kayla up into my arms and hold her tight to my body. The figure disappeared.

The beast in me grew, expanding my muscles and drawing out my sharp teeth to protect the person I loved. She screamed and wriggled in protest against me. I rocked her softly as I slowly turned around on the spot, my vision sharpening and my hearing increasing. Luke's sharp breaths were clearer and Kayla's crying was ringing in my ears.

"Show yourself," I demanded.

I was answered by a deafening silence. The world was still for a moment, until Luke slowly pulled himself up to his feet. His head hung and his hands twitched madly. He was breathing heavily with spit spraying from his mouth. I eyed the door, planning a quick and safe way to leave. Kayla had calmed down in my arms slightly.

"Get out," Luke spat with an unfamiliar gruff voice. He slowly lifted his head. His eyes were black and his face barely recognisable. I took a step back. "I said get out!" he yelled.

He was suddenly thrown to the wall by an invisible force. Luke fought back at the air, but he was growing weak quickly. He sunk to the floor and curled up in a tight ball, occasionally jolting and grunting as if he was getting attacked. I stared in shock, unsure of how to help. He looked up and our eyes met for a brief moment. The contact was strong and I was fixed onto his eyes as if they were the most important thing in the room. All I could think about was Luke.

"Get out," he murmured.

It was as though I lost all control of my movements. Luke's words weaved their way into my brain and suddenly I had the urge to leave. My legs picked up speed and before in knew it, I ran out of the house and into the car, strapping Kayla into her car seat without thinking. Within moments, I was driving out of the road and back to the cottage.

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