20. Some Place, Some Time.

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"It's so lovely to see you again, Rosie," Doctor Jefferies said in his usually cheerful voice. He smiled and shook my hand before bending down to come face to face with Kayla in the pushchair. He gave her his signature grin and she smiled. "Hello, little lady."

I closed the door behind us and unbuckled Kayla to lift her from the pushchair. She started to squirm in my hold and become grumpy. I bounced her on my hip for a moment, glancing over at the doctor to find that he was already looking at me.

"You seem distant today, Rosie," he said. "Is everything okay?"

I gave him a quick smile and nodded. The truth was I had always been nervous having Kayla checked up by a doctor. I could tell that she was bigger and more developed than other children her age. I had been avoiding this appointment for a while, but I knew I had to face it one day.

"Where's Harry?" Doctor Jefferies asked as he gestured for me to sit down. I sat in the chair beside his desk and bounced Kayla on my lap. She stared up at the white lights on the ceiling and sucked on her fingers. Doctor Jefferies sat down at his computer.

"He's...out of town," I lied, biting on my nails with nerves. "On a business call."

The doctor nodded and gave me a smile. "I bet the last place he wants to be is away from family."

I simply nodded and looked away. A few silent moments passed, and Doctor Jefferies tapped at his computer keyboard before turning to me. "Have you noticed any issues with Kayla since we last met?"

I glanced down at her. "Not that I've noticed."

The doctor nodded and typed on his keyboard. Kayla leaned back into me and her eyelids began to droop. I couldn't help smiling and holding her tighter.

"Her diet," the doctor continued, giving me a warm smile. "How is she eating?"

"Well," I murmured. "She's enjoying her solid foods."

"Such as?" he asked.

I thought for a moment. "She has steamed vegetables and has started eating some meats. She also loves her fruit. Mashed banana is her favourite at the moment."

The doctor gave me a beaming smile. "You're lucky that she's not a picky eater," he said with a laugh. I smiled and twirled one of her curls around my finger. "What about drink? Is she still on powdered milk?"

I stared back at the doctor with a blank expression. How could I tell our doctor that I fed my child animal's blood to make sure she could control the beast inside of her. I knew that the creature was growing stronger and more powerful every day and hoped it would be under control for as long as possible. Harry and I had planned to wean her off of the blood, but her cravings were as strong as ever. She was now drinking eight bottles a day. It was something I could tell no one.

"Yes," I said cautiously.

A moment passed before the doctor relaxed into a smile and nodded. "Good," he said. "She should be until around 12 months, but don't worry if it's some time after." He turned to his desk and picked up a leaflet to pass to me. "Here, this should give you some advice on what to do."

I gave a false smile and took it from him. "Thank you."

He leaned back in his chair and scratched at his jaw, his fingers lost in the grey beard he had. "What about Kayla's behaviour? Is she able to crawl?"

"More than that," I said confidently. "She's been walking these last few weeks. She's getting confident too."

The doctor's eyebrows furrowed and he sat up in his chair. "She can walk confidently? At 10 months?"

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