32. For My Parents

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As soon as I held hands with Grace and Luke, completing the circle we stood in together, the ground beneath us disappeared and we were flying upwards faster than ever, but I wasn't scared or nervous. I was determined to bring Rosie back.

I gasped as I woke up from what felt like a very deep sleep. My eyes shot open to look up at the night sky. My heart was pounding and I was sweating as I took a moment to come to terms with where I was. I felt grass underneath me, but I couldn't move from where I was lying. My arms were tied under my back. I pulled my head back to see the edge of the cliff by the top of my head. Luke and Grace were lying beside me, slowly regaining consciousness. A low laugh emitted from somewhere. I turned my head to the noise.

There he was, the man who had fed me lies and made me feel as though he was the only person that loved me. He was leaning over Rosie's still body, his hands on either side of her head as she lay next to me, feeding off of her energy and making her soul stronger by the second. He seemed too distracted to notice me. I lifted my leg from the grass and kicked out at Samuel with a cry to knock him over, but his senses were strong. Before I could make contact with him, one of his hands let go of Rosie's head to catch my ankle. He twisted it roughly and I cried out in pain. The noise echoed around us, causing a few birds to scarper from their homes in the trees. I gritted my teeth as he threw my leg back down to the ground, but I was grateful for him leaving Rosie alone for a moment.

"Son," he muttered. "I'm surprised to see you here alive."

"Fuck you!" I cried, kicking and screaming violently towards Samuel which he easily avoided.

He stepped over Rosie and crouched down beside me. His hand found its way into my hair to roughly tug and force me to look up at him. "You're stronger than I thought you were," he murmured. "I didn't anticipate your little group of friends trying to save you. No matter though. You can lie here and watch Rosie die."

"I'll be sure to kill you before you lay another finger on my wife."

Samuel grinned. "And what about your daughter?"

His words seemed to linger in the air between us. My body fell cold and the panic rose inside of me. Where was Kayla? Was she safe?

Samuel looked up and over me. I twisted my head to follow his gaze. There she was, sat near the edge of the cliff pulling grass out from the soil and throwing it up in the air in fits of giggles. Her head was thrown back in laughter, causing her to lean slightly over the edge. I began to fight against the chains around my wrists.

"Baby," I said in a quivering voice as a weak attempt to sound calm. "Come over to me. Kayla? It's your daddy. Come here, sweetie, away from the edge."

"She's under my control," Samuel spoke. "She's not going to fall. Not unless I want her to."

The anger had been brewing under my skin for a very long time, but seeing Kayla manipulated by that sick and twisted man broke the wall I had been trying to build between myself and the beast under my skin for a while now. Every second that passed began to blur into the next one. I could barely remember what had happened, but within moments I had ripped the chains from my wrists and thrown Samuel to the ground, straddling his body with his neck in my grip. The adrenaline was pumping through my body and it was exciting and addicting, much more than any drink had done to me. Soon my other hand found its way to his neck and I began to squeeze.

"You don't want to harm the person in your daughter's head now," he croaked, letting a small smirk form on his lips. "One thought and she gets hurt."

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