9. Traumatic Past

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There are sensitive scenes of abuse in this chapter.



It took me a long time to recognise Luke as his own person rather than half of Samuel. Whenever I looked into his eyes, I saw a glimpse of Samuel staring back at me with his evil smile and dark stare, but soon I realised that was what Luke saw in me too. We both had his evil streak that we would forever be fighting against.

Luke and I had spent weeks getting to know each other. Only recently had I let him into our home to meet Kayla. As I made lunch, Rosie and Luke were sat at the kitchen table laughing and getting along. Rosie's laugh was always infectious and soon I found myself smiling madly down to the potatoes I was mashing. Her laugh had a sweet ring to it, causing a warm sensation in my stomach. It gave me reassurance that she was happy and that was all I wanted for her.

However, soon enough Rosie's laugh was cut off by Kayla's screaming travelling through the house. Rosie jumped up and gave Luke a smile.

"Someone's up and ready to meet her uncle," she said. I glanced over my shoulder to find Luke trembling with nerves as Rosie darted out of the room and up the stairs.

"Hey," I said, causing Luke to turn and face me. "Don't be nervous. Start with a smile."

Luke's shoulders relaxed a little and he gave a small nod. Kayla's shouting simmered down to whimpers by the time Rosie had brought her down. She had her face buried into Rosie's chest. Luke's head shot up and his eyes lit up at the sight of Kayla.

Luke helped Rosie pull a chair out and sit back down at the table. Kayla had her fingers in her mouth and wet tear tracks down her red cheeks as she turned to look at her uncle for the first time. Her whimpering finally stopped as she met Luke's eyes. He hesitated before reaching out to take her hand in his. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand and gave her a wide smile to reassure her that he wasn't a threat.

"Do you want to hold her?" Rosie asked.

Luke swallowed before nodding. Rosie handed Kayla over and Luke held her so delicately to his body. She naturally curled up against him and buried her face into his chest to get used to the feeling of him holding her. Rosie and I shared a glance across the room and finally I felt like Luke was part of the family. Kayla had grown a liking to Luke instantly. She smiled every time their eyes met and soon that bond was unbreakable.

Today was different, however. I wanted to take Luke to a place that had meant something to me my whole life. I knew Luke was confused as I led him through the forest and out to the open cliffside. Without any word, I led him to the edge of the cliff and took in a deep breath of the sea air. I let my eyes fall closed and remembered back to the first time I was stood like this. My whole body was soaked as rain poured down on me. My tears were mixed with the raindrops running down my face. I sniffled and wiped under my nose with my wet sleeve, every part of me wanting to feel the wind rush past me as I fell. Loneliness left me broken and locked in a dark part of my mind. I was grateful I had found the key to release me that day otherwise I wouldn't have the family I had now. I was able to feel the rush of the wind as I fell years later, but that night I came alive for the first time.

"It's very pretty here," Luke murmured.

I opened my eyes and nodded. "I have a lot of memories here, good and bad."

Luke hesitated for a moment before saying, "I can sense that."

I turned to him. "You can?"

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