27. Home

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I shuffled back into the house with my head hung low in shame. Grace and Kayla were on the sofa together watching one of Kayla's favourite TV shows. My daughter was curled up in Grace's lap, leaning heavily into her surrogate mother as she watched her programme in awe. Grace was running her fingers through Kayla's dark curls and smiling down at her every so often. I coughed awkwardly to catch Grace's attention. She looked around to me before facing the TV again.

I took one step into the room and noticed, just for a moment, Grace holding Kayla closer to her. I approached them and after attempting to talk to Grace, but being ignored, I stood in front of Kayla to block her view of the TV and reached my arms out to her. She was hesitant for a moment before letting me pick her up and hold her close. I caught Grace watching us, but as soon as our eyes met, she looked away again.

"I'm sorry, Grace," I said in a soft tone as not to distress Kayla. I bounced her softly on my hip. "Can you let me explain?"

"I know what I saw," she murmured, craning her head so she could look around me to the TV. She began flicking through the channels. "There's no need to explain."

I sat down on the sofa next to her and took the remote from her. She glared at me. "Luke used his mind-controlling abilities on me. I couldn't control it."

She scoffed. "That kiss looked pretty genuine to me."

I sighed. "It was complicated. He reminds me of Harry. I was just seeking comfort in someone who was just like Harry-"

"You knew I liked him," she said, her voice cracked, "but you couldn't even let me have him. I carried your child inside of me, I look after her all the time despite how tough it is for me."

"Tough?" I asked.

"When you have a baby inside you for so long, you grow attached. I got used to Kayla, what food she liked and didn't like. I felt each kick and movement she made. I've never forgotten the feeling of her in my arms, the weight of her body and the smell of a new-born baby is just...something indescribable."

"But I thought you were okay with that," I said. "You didn't want to form an attachment so early on and you didn't."

"It's more complex than that, Rosie," she said. "I gave up a baby that was my own for almost a year, but I've learnt to deal with it because I didn't want to hurt you or Harry. Then you go and do this to me."


She shook her head at me. "The only reason why I'm not kicking you out is because of that little girl right there. Otherwise I would have you out of here."

I knew I should have begged for her forgiveness in that moment, but I didn't. Anger pricked at my skin. "Don't worry, we're leaving."

She finally turned her attention to me. "What?"

I ignored her and started packing our things with one hand, the other still supporting Kayla on my side. I threw what I could into our bags before tugging on the zips until they were closed. Grace stood a few feet behind me with her arms crossed, chewing on her lip nervously. "Where are you going to go?"

"Home," I muttered.

"But what about Samuel? You wanted to protect Kayla."

I spun around to face her. "I can look after her alone. I don't need Harry and I don't need you either."

She looked genuinely hurt by my response. Tears filled her eyes. "Why are you being like this?"

I took a moment to think. This time last year I had everything I ever wanted – a family and a man that understood me. Now I'd lost all of that. Suddenly very few things mattered to me.

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