Chapter Eleven: Seahorses

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Toothless' eyes shot open in the dark. His usual warm stone bed was deathly cold as he hadn't even bothered to warm it up anyways. He knew he wasn't getting sleep either way so why bother? He took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of Berk's fresh grass, hints of shimmering salt from the oceans which he'd become accustomed to and... rain?

His eyes flashed open. He'd always loved the smell of rain, as it smelled like nothing he'd ever known of but if he really was bringing Sirena out for her first flight, he didn't want the rain ruining anything for her.

Or it could've been a blessing in disguise, as her skin wouldn't dry out as quickly as she'd told him about. Something about her gills collapsing and what not... He really didn't know and he also didn't know if she even enjoyed the rain. She always spoke of clear skies when talking to him, never once mentioning the occurrence of the downpours.

He shook it clear from his mind for a moment.

His eyes scanned the room and like the days before this one, he kept silent for any sign of noise.

He honestly didn't expect any, aside from the faraway chatter of the vikings patrolling the streets or those who were just returning from a late night meal in the Great Hall.

But as he listened, he heard a familiar voice grumbling.

"...of course Astrid gave me the middle shift... woke up just for this..."

"Yeah, yeah, keep complaining. Everyone knows you have a soft spot deep down for the chief."

'Snotlout?' he thought, 'Hookfang? What're they--'

His train of thought was cut off by a loud dragon sneeze.

"Shut up Hookfang!" he heard him hiss, "You'll wake them both. That wasn't what Astrid made us come here for. If you wake them, we'll both be baked by Stormfly!"

"I'm more worried about ol' half-tail."

'Half-tail, Hookfang? Really?"

Toothless watched as Hiccup flipped over onto his side and heard him let out an uneasy whine.

He knew Astrid was worried about him and Hiccup, but he didn't think he was causing Hiccup enough stress that Astrid had to step in. Was he really being that much of a nuisance that she needed to ask of vikings to keep watch for him?

Better yet, why wasn't Astrid herself keeping him guard?"

The black dragon took a step back but just so happened to have stepped on the one loose floorboard that creaked and froze.

His heartbeat sped up.

"... did you hear something?" he heard the viking outside ask.

He heard Hookfang beginning to growl.

"Nah... Must've been nothing. Keep a lookout, Hookfang. I'm taking a nap. I still don't think he's escaping tonight. He woke up yesterday perfectly fine. Everyone's just being paranoid..."

"Tell that to Astrid."

The Night Fury growled. He couldn't exit through the window. He would just have to leave through the front door. Unfortunately for him, both Valka and Cloudjumper were very light sleepers and had instincts that would sometimes surprise him.

He'd have to take his chances. If he leapt out the window, he'd be caught for sure and he was already running late.

Toothless crept down the stairs, praying to all Valhalla that they wouldn't creak and give him away. He heard a croon and felt his limbs and heart stop. He could only meekly look up, hoping he wouldn't see a pair of sharp yellow eyes glaring down at him. Thankfully, the giant Stormcutter lay fast asleep on the beams.

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