Chapter Sixteen: The Mermaid's Tale

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"INCOMING!" the distressed Night Fury roared and crashed into the water.

He paddled up to the surface, seeing the mermaid before him who was completely drenched, hair was splattered across her face. She hastily used her fingers to part them to reveal her annoyed face.

Toothless gulped at her expression, but not before he saw her face soften and her lips curved into a smile.

"Well this is familiar."

"Touche, fish face."

She winced before playing with her nails, not daring to meet his eyes.

"Why did you ask me to meet you in an hour?"

"Well, because that's when I assumed Hiccup would be asleep. Sorry it took longer. I had to do something after I went to Gothi's."


"Oh, she's like the village healer. I'm lucky this time they didn't put guards around the house. Then again, everyone else must be passed out! They were up all night because of little ol' me " he rambled and rested in the waters peacefully with a gummy smile.

"T-that's not... what I meant was--... Lemme rephrase the question; why did you still want to meet me?"

Toothless was about to answer when she rambled on worriedly.

"D-don't get me wrong! I'm so so happy you decided to come here again-- I'm ecstatic!"


"But surely Robber must've told you about what happened--"

"I-it's actually Gobber--"

"And you must think I'm a monster but--"

"Sirena! Let me talk, woman!"

She squeaked and ducked underwater.

"Sorry!" she said as her eyes peeked over the surface.

He chuckled lowly at her.

"Sorry for raising my voice but... You told me to let you explain, remember?"

"I did, but..."

"And like Hiccup said. We don't know the full story."

"Really? I assumed G-Gobber told everyone..."

"Oh he did," he said coolly, "But I want to hear it from you."


He looked at her as if the answer was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Sirena, you started crying when I accused you of stealing."

"That's different!" she said as her face grew a light shade of pink.

"I doubt you could stand to kill someone if you can't stand stealing."

"But you saw what I did to them yesterday..."

"Yeah, but you were just talking! It's not like you wanted to hurt them."



He ducked down to meet her eyes, green eyes as gem-like and hypnotising as ever. She held her breath.

"Tell me what happened."

A young mermaid sat atop the barnacle encrusted rock, looking at the sunless sombre sky. She was no older than eleven but she was so heavily bejewelled with elongated, iridescent seashells that it made her look far older and too mature for an age promised wit fresh-faced adventures and childhood memories. She wore clothing too revealing for a child; a top that wrapped around her little chest, enough to cover her gills but exposed her stomach and was embedded with golden jewels from the deepest trenches that complimented the colour of her eyes and tail.

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