Chapter Twenty-Six: The Meeting

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"I want to thank all of you for showing up," Hiccup announced as he greeted his council.

The Great Hall was lit by the glow of the fire and smelled of cavern stones and the woody fragrance of smoke. A large group of vikings gathered around the pit, most with grave expressions, given the dark undertone stirring through the crowd.

Their young leader stood tall and proud at the very head of the circular table rimming the fire pit. He donned a brown fur coat, the same one his father used to wear during important events and walked with an air of power.

Beside him were his friends, mother and general.

"Now," he spoke as his voice echoed, "I'm sure you all know of the recent completion of the ice demolition. A big thanks to Eret and his men for their relentless hard work."

A few vikings pat the mentioned man on his back.

"With that out of our way, I want to address a new 'project' of sorts."

Astrid unfurled the scroll in her arms, revealing two maps; one of the world they'd discovered up to that point and the other of a new Berk. The murmurs got louder as everyone craned their necks to get a look.

"A dragon sanctuary."

"We have the King of dragons with us," he continued proudly, "And it is only fitting we bring his people here; so he may protect them and they may protect us in return."

"But Hiccup?" one of the council members piped up, "Toothless is still missing. We've used up more resources than necessary to find him!"

"A-ah... Right. Toothless."

He'd forgotten about that... one tiny detail...

"What are we going to do, chief?! Our best Tracker class dragon and riders have come back empty-handed! There isn't a trace of him anywhere! We'll be wasting our supplies if we don't find him--"

"The search parties will be called off," he announced, "I'll send a Terror Mail asking them to return."

"But he hasn't been found!"

Hiccup bit his lip. For a moment, he considered telling everyone as he didn't know how else to lie but his mother stepped in for him.

"That won't be necessary, Magnus. The Alpha only leaves with reason and Toothless is perfectly capable of caring for himself. "

"Will he come back?"

"In due time."

"Where's he gone, Val?"

Valka felt a little cheeky.

"When a dragon comes of age, he must set out and look for a mate."

Hiccup and Astrid snorted aloud, trying their best to not burst out laughing.

"I doubt Toothless will return until he finds one," she said and lightly glared at the couple, "Until then, we might as well rally the dragons."

"She's right," the chief spoke up again as he stepped onto the circular wooden rim, "We've been living with dragons in peace for years now. They've fought beside us and we've fought beside them. Their wars are ours and vice versa."

"But ya' have to think about supplies, Hiccup!" Spitelout interjected, "Berk cannot sustain us and a million dragons! Besides, we just had a population boom with Drago's men joining us within the last year!"

The crowd murmured in agreement.

"Ever the optimistic one, Spitelout!"

Snotlout's father let out an amused snort.

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