Chapter 6. Off Limits

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Ana felt a shift in the emotions around her.

She hadn’t really been paying attention, but there were some people for whom her empath’s antennae were always sensitized. First was Spencer. Second was Hotch. Then, on a lower strata were the other members of her husband’s team and, when she was in close enough proximity, her own family.

“Excuse me.”

She extricated herself from those surrounding her, offering congratulations on her marriage. Looking for Spencer, she saw him engaged in conversation with Morgan. Her bridesmaids were at a distance, talking among themselves. Nothing looked out of place, but she could feel a low level of distress expanding ever outward. She closed her eyes and sought the source. Two points of origin. Spencer. Hotch.

The best man was nowhere to be seen. Lifting the hem of her gown to avoid dragging it on the floor, Ana went to her husband.

Spencer? Is something wrong?

The groom looked a bit shamefaced. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I was gonna talk to you later.

Talk to me now.

Before Reid could elaborate, the patio doors opened. Rossi stepped in, ushering Hotch before him. Ana looked from husband to friend, picking up similar emanations of brotherly love and regret and, in Spencer’s case, a touch of emotional exhaustion. You’re tired. For a smart guy, you sometimes do dumb things when you’re tired.

Sorry. Reid had been about to explain. He’d been contemplating his feet. Now, raising his head he saw his beautiful bride and the golden aura he’d always associated with her since their last visit to the psychic sanctuary in New York had changed his vision. I, uh… His eyes flicked toward Hotch and his ability to speak, verbally as well as mentally, faded away.

Hotch was accompanied by the faintest glimmer of gold. Barely discernible, an aura like a pale ghost of the one surrounding Ana shivered and pulsed as he moved closer, Rossi’s guiding hand on his back.

Uh oh.

Spencer? What is it?


She could see he was staring at Hotch. She could feel Reid’s anxiety starting to peak. Since no one was explaining anything to her, Ana went in search of answers on her own. She unfurled her psychic talent and touched Hotch, hoping to glean information her husband seemed incapable of providing at the moment.

As Reid watched, Hotch’s aura flared.



Are you touching him? Hotch?

Well, I have to find out what’s bothering you guys and you’re not exactly in the mood for effective communication, Spencer.

Get out of him! GET OUT!

Reid’s telepathic shout made his bride pull back faster and harder than she’d ever done. She got the impression she was being told to vacate a very dangerous, very volatile place. She hoped Spencer was overreacting.

To Reid’s relief, Hotch’s aura waned. To his consternation, a few glistening grains of gold lingered, but then, eventually, very slowly…faded.


Rossi could tell something was happening. He still had an authoritative, but encouraging, hand pressed against Hotch’s back. He felt a tremor and a falter in his friend’s step. He also saw Reid’s widened eyes and Ana’s querulous, slightly impatient glance toward her new husband. Rossi sent up a private plea.

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