Chapter 27. The Perfect Psychic Storm

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The doctor’s words made all four of his guests exchange looks. Clearly, more explanation was needed. Lots of explanation.

Hotch leaned forward, burying his face in his hands. Growling with exasperation, he ruffled his hair as he sat up, allowing his cowlicks a return to dominance. His voice was rough with frustration.

“What do you mean I’m a ‘perfect’ place for this essence, this presence, whatever it is, to rest? You say she’s seeking out her mother and father? I’m not either of her parents! Why would she beat a path into me?”

“Ah…” The doctor’s voice deepened with gentle sincerity. “It’s the concept of a path into you, Aaron, that holds the answer. At least…,” he looked around the group, underlining the uncertainty of his next words. “…at least that is my working theory. It’s formed from what I saw while examining you. Now give me a chance to lead you through my train of thought.”

Four pairs of eyes fastened on the elderly man who, for the first time, didn’t seem so all-knowing, so omnipotent, as they’d all come to expect of him. Still, he was someone who emanated power coupled with compassion; a combination that inspired trust.

“I believe the telepath and I see similar auras; ones related to residual psychic energy. This energy is as individual as DNA. Just as your genetic makeup has afforded you the capability of being psychic, it has defined the energy that attends the use of your powers. A trace of this energy is left behind when ESP-ers use their talents. Usually, it disperses, depending on the elapsed time since it was emitted, and the native power of the psychic who generated it.”

He looked at Hotch, head tilted as he considered the interesting journey he’d taken through the man’s mind. “When I examined Aaron, I found, in addition to the nascent essence, two distinct trails of residue.”

Reid and Ana gave each other sidelong looks.


I know. Not sure I like where this is headed.

Children, don’t drift. This is important.The rolling ocean-voice that was the doctor’s brought them back to the verbal discussion.

“Telepath, your mind is extremely powerful in many ways, not the least of which is your ESP-er talent. When you entered your friend’s mind, as you know, you brought many things with you. And you left many of those things behind.”

“The ghosts.” Reid’s voice was small, reluctant to bring up the horrors to which he’d unwittingly subjected Hotch.

“The ghosts, which you removed. But you also left behind your own residual energy. Each time you entered him, while you were lost, while you were ‘sight-seeing,’ you left your mark, your footprint. You left a path with your distinct psychic essence attached to it.”

Reid’s eyes were tragic. “Oh, God. Hotch, I’m so sorry.”

The doctor held up a hand, forestalling further apology. “In and of itself, your energy is not a bad thing. It didn’t vacate when you took back your ghosts, because it simply isn’t the same type of material as those fragments of memory. It remains. In fact, you left even more of it during that process, I believe, because of the traumatic effect reclaiming those memories had on you.”

The doctor turned his regard to Ana. “The next part in setting up this psychic ‘perfect storm’ is partially my fault. I advised you to enter Aaron’s mind as a way of weaning him off of his contact with your husband. From what I heard you say a moment ago, you enjoyed the procedure and have touched him far more than was strictly necessary. Is that true, empath?”

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now