Chapter 29. Once and Future

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At mention of repeating the procedure used in calling Reid’s ghosts home, there was an infinitesimal shift of his guests away from the elderly doctor. No one wanted to relive it.

The procedure had ended with Hotch retaining his sanity; with Reid receiving his aural vision; with Ana having had a chance to know her dead sister Sarah’s spirit still existed in some indefinable way. But the sheer terror experienced primarily by the two men had left its mark. The doctor felt the group’s recoil, both physical and mental.

If I’m right, it won’t be as epic as last time, children.”

He was still surrounded by lowered eyes and small signs of barriers being erected…crossed arms, bodies leaning away, jaw muscles clenching. The old man sighed.

“Then let me put it this way: I’ve already consulted with Julio Ruiz…telepathically, while he was on his way to work and you were on your way here from Millie’s. There is no choice.”

“I know.” Reid was the first to admit the inevitable. “It’s just last time was pretty memorable. Not anxious to go there again.”

Hotch looked up. “It might make it a little more palatable if we knew what to expect. Or at least, what to hope for, even if you did say this is new ground for you, too, doc.”

Rossi’s smile was grim. “Even if I’m not directly involved, I’d like to know the details, as much as you can tell us, too. So…can you fill in some of the gaps? When? How? Best case scenario versus worst case scenario?”

“I wish I had more to tell you.” The old face did seem a little more ancient when touched by doubt, when even an unimaginable lifespan couldn’t supply all the answers. “Julio is going to use his unique skills in fashioning whatever protection he deems necessary. We already discussed Aaron. He would like to let his orishas speak to him and then he’ll know more. He’ll need to see you three before we go any further.” The doctor’s reference took in Reid, Ana, and Hotch.

“I think the sooner we prepare and the sooner we do this, the better.”

That was the one thing all present could agree on, although rather than a ‘let’s make it better as soon as possible’ attitude, the more apprehensive one of ‘let’s just get this over with’ prevailed.

The doctor stood and walked his visitors to the door. “Go to the hospital. Julio will let me know when everything’s ready and we can begin.”

As Rossi moved to follow the others, the elderly gentleman placed a restraining hand on his arm, holding him back. “Nothing will happen to them. This is all preparatory. I’d like it if you’d stay behind so we can talk. Please.”

Rossi’s brows rose. He glanced at the others, seeing his own inquisitive expression mirrored.

“We’ll be fine, Dave. I’ll call you, if we need anything.” Hotch let a slightly mischievous smile touch his lips. “And maybe someone should check on Prentiss, too. Something tells me this isn’t exactly her natural habitat…you know?”

Rossi shrugged and stepped back from the door. “Okay. I’ll see you guys later.”

The older men watched as the other three walked across the small front yard and turned down the street toward where the hospital and a Palero priest waited. Rossi shook his head.

They look like three friends out for a stroll. It’s hard to reconcile what this place really is with how it looks. If it ever got out what this village is all about, no one would believe it.

The doctor’s chuckle reminded him again of the strangeness concealed beneath the serene exterior.

“We rely on outsiders’ willingness to judge us by our façade for protection.” The old man returned to his chair and gestured for Rossi to resume his own seat.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now