Chapter 13. Homeward Bound

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Despite Hotch’s increasing drug-induced grogginess, after he dragged the whole story of Ana’s accident out during the trip home, he said he wanted to accompany the others to St. Sebastian’s. No one wanted to desert Reid until he had proof positive that his wife and the life she carried were safe.

Rossi gave it some serious consideration, but then vetoed Hotch’s attendance. He was also keenly aware that Morgan would stick with Reid out of love and loyalty, but would always be uncomfortable around all things psychic.

“Sorry, Aaron. You’re overruled. Doc said to make sure you get some rest.” The older agent turned to Morgan next. “Think you can take him home and make sure he follows orders?”

Secretly relieved at the opportunity to dodge the paranormal this time around, Morgan was quick to take charge of his boss. “Sure. Give me the prescription and I’ll get it filled on the way.” Rossi handed over the small square of paper, legible only to a pharmacist. Morgan pocketed it, then gave Reid a long, considering look.

“Pretty Boy, she’s gonna be okay. I’ll call you once I get Boss-man here settled.”

“Uh, thanks. Yeah, sure.” Reid wasn’t really paying attention. He’d been calling St. Sebastian’s every twenty minutes, ever since it sank into his stunned brain that once Ana was assigned a room, she’d have phone access. If he couldn’t have her touch, he needed her voice. He was beginning to realize that although when his ESP had first come to light, fatigue and fright had made him more susceptible to telepathic episodes, the panic he was feeling now on Ana’s behalf seemed to be damping his abilities.

Just when I need it most…He tried to calm himself, but couldn’t stop the mantra of dread churning through his brain and stomach.

The team split into two groups at the landing strip in Quantico. Morgan and Hotch headed for a pharmacy and then home; the others stayed close to Reid. Even through his distracted panic, the proximity of his friends let Reid pick up the occasional stray thought. Mostly, they hated the helpless feeling of only being able to supply compassionate support. Each one had a desperate desire to grab hold of the situation and fix it in some indefinable way. Just make it right. For Reid. For Ana.

They had no idea how much that simple desire to help touched Reid’s heart.

He was too focused on reaching his wife, but Reid knew he’d find a time to tell each one of his friends how much their silent support meant to him. How it helped him carry on. How it prevented him from dropping to his knees and howling out his pain and his rage at whatever fate was in the process of dishing out this time.

In light of Reid’s emotional distress, Rossi took the wheel. He shot a sidelong glance at the man in the passenger seat, twisting his wedding ring in endless, nervous rotations. No one objected when Rossi hit the street with lights flashing and siren wailing. Technically, he wasn’t supposed to do that. This wasn’t official business. They weren’t in pursuit.

But sometimes the letter of the law had to give way before the requirements of friendship…and a young man whose heart was so visibly in the process of breaking.


Morgan was expecting some resistance, so it didn’t come as any big surprise when, after he filled his boss’ prescription, Hotch began agitating to follow the others to St. Sebastian’s.

“I’ve got doctor’s orders and Rossi’s orders. You’re not going anywhere but home.” He slid behind the wheel, glancing at the stubborn set of Hotch’s jaw. Then his eyes traveled from the bruised chest that barely moved, forcing itself to take shallow breaths, to the torn pant leg with the white gauze of a bandage showing through the rent in the fabric. When Hotch began to protest again, Morgan played his trump card.  “I’m too tired to argue, Hotch. Don’t make me touch you someplace where it hurts.”

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now