Chapter 65. The Hunt Begins

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When the jet landed in La Guardia on the runway reserved for government and other private aircraft, the only one to exit was Morgan.

As they were taxiing to a stop, Garcia had popped into view once again. If Reid’s distress hadn’t been so apparent, it might have been comical the way he momentarily bobbled between flying out the door and gluing himself to the screen. Rossi’s calm voice overrode the young agent’s temporarily confused, conflicting motor responses.

“Reid! Talk to Garcia. Get all the ammo you can before you hit the streets.” He was still holding Hotch and may have been keeping his voice steady for the Unit Chief’s benefit. The man seemed to wince at loud noises. The way he kept his eyes closed made Rossi think bright light might be painful, too. “Morgan! Go see if that doctor is waiting for us. From what he said about travel time, he should have arrived a while ago. Find him. Bring him here.”

J.J. and Prentiss gathered around the laptop with Reid, eager to be set on a trail, any trail, that might lead to little Melinda.

With a last glance at his teammates, wishing he could fix everything that was wrong, Morgan pelted out the door and was running across the tarmac within seconds.


“Talk to me, Garcia.” Tension made Reid’s voice strained and low, as though he were speaking through gritted teeth; teeth that would rather be fastened in Carol Bescardi’s throat.

“Oh, Reid…mixed results. I’m sorry.” The large eyes whose expressiveness couldn’t be concealed behind lavish frames, conveyed regret and sympathy. “I…I found her…But I lost her again.”

Reid thought his heart would stop. It just couldn’t take any more bad news. Prentiss gave her co-worker one quick glance, understood he was reaching his limit…and stepped forward. He’ll be fine, but he needs a little support. He needs a chance to catch his emotional breath, so to speak.

“Tell us, Garcia. From the top. Where did you find her?”

The tech analyst was glad to focus on Prentiss. Looking at the grief so plainly written across Reid’s face made it hard for her to relay what she saw as another failure to find adequate information, the right information, to bring Reid’s daughter home.

“I found someone in light blue…head to toe…walking down the street about a block away from where I lost her last time…opposite from where she disappeared into that alley. She went a few blocks, but it was really hard to keep track of her…it was rush hour and absolutely everyone was getting off work and the crowds were just awful and swelling and…”

“Garcia!” This time the call to keep their colorful colleague on track was uttered in tandem by both Reid and Prentiss.

 “And…well, it looked like she might have gone into one of those little, boutique-y stores that there are a million of. I couldn’t see the name. The thing is…” Penelope sounded small and timid, reluctant to dash anyone’s hopes. “…I think she must have changed clothes. I didn’t see anyone come out in light blue…and the cameras are too far away for facial recognition…Oh, Reid! I’m so sorry!”

But Reid’s head was bowed, his elegantly engineered brain working at a furious pace. When he looked up, a predatory smile was slowly spreading across his features.

“No, Garcia…that’s good. Great, in fact!” He leaned even closer to the screen. “She wasn’t carrying anything when you picked her up this time, was she?”

“Uh, no. Nothing, but maybe a small purse. Really small.”

The smile widened. Teeth showed. “Don’t you see? She didn’t have Melinda with her! Which means she’s found a place to hide somewhere between where you thought you lost her the first time…and where you picked her up this second time. Chances are Mellie’s somewhere in that city-block of buildings that surround the alley.” Reid felt tears of relief building behind his eyelids. “Thanks, Garcia. Thank you. Thank you.”

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now