Chapter 14. Second Opinion

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Reid was out the door and loping through the hospital entrance before the SUV came to a full stop. By the time Rossi, Prentiss, and J.J. reached the information desk, the young agent was nowhere to be seen.

“We’re looking for Ana Reid.” J.J.’s calm voice was at odds with the elevated blood pressure and heart rates they were all experiencing.

“You’re family?”

“Yes. We’re with her husband. He just came through here.” Rossi was brusque, impatient with health facility protocol. “Where is she?” He reached for his badge.

The woman behind the desk knew when to pull back. “She’s in room 731. Elevators are that way.” They didn’t really need directions. The floor plan of the hospital still existed with horrible clarity in all their minds from when Hotch had been a patient.

The doors opened on the seventh floor. The agents did a mini-stampede past the nurse’s station, stopping in the doorway of room 731. No one wanted to intrude on the scene being enacted at Ana’s bedside. They knew the newlyweds were giving each other a full account of all that had happened while they were apart. It was a discussion without words, a discussion the depth of which they could only imagine.

Foreheads touching, arms entwined, the Reids pressed together in silence. Spencer’s eyes were squeezed shut as though he were blocking out the rest of the world. Ana’s eyes opened when she heard three pairs of footsteps halt just outside her room. She flicked a sidelong glance from face to face. A small, vertical line creased the space between her brows. After a few more minutes, Reid pulled back, looking at her with clear concern, but also relief.

I’d say we dodged a bullet, but that seems like a really bad turn of phrase to use, considering what happened. His sickly grin was a visual apology, underlining the telepathic one, for the unfortunate wording.

Considering Hotch didn’t manage to dodge much of anything, I agree. But…yeah, we did. At least as far as I can tell. She looked at the agents observing her from the doorway. She could feel their concern and curiosity. They had questions and their own need for reassurance, but they were holding back in deference to her husband’s need to immerse himself in her.

 Spencer, we have company. Maybe we should go verbal?

Reid turned from his wife, looking over his shoulder with a grin turned more sheepish than sickly. “Sorry, guys. Didn’t mean to ignore you.” His eyes went back to Ana’s, unable to get enough of her. “I think she’s okay.”

Feeling they now had permission to enter, Reid’s colleagues took up positions around the bed. Ana looked from one to another, then craned to see past Spencer’s shoulders to the empty doorway.

“Where’s Hotch?” She knew he was injured, but during their telepathic contact, Reid had skipped over the part where the Unit Chief had been sent home.

“Morgan’s taking care of him.” Rossi understood her concern, knowing there was some indefinable suspicion that Hotch and her pregnancy were connected. “He wanted to come, but I thought he’d been through enough for one day. He’s alright, Ana.”

J.J. sat on the side of the bed opposite Reid. “He’s been through a lot worse. Don’t worry about him. Worry about yourself.”

Prentiss threw her hat into the ring, trying to circumvent unnecessary anxiety over their boss’ plight. “He’s tough, Ana. Really. Don’t worry about him.”

“I have to.” For the first time, her voice held a quaver, but she mastered it, forcing it to succumb to the need for clear communication. “Until I understand what’s happening here…with Hotch and with our baby…I have to worry about him.”

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now