Chapter 37. Convergence Zone

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Ana placed a hand on her expanded abdomen. It’s time.

Then she laughed at Spencer’s look of shock, fork halfway to mouth, noodles slipping back down to the plate.

I just mean I think it’s time for me to head up north to the doctor. He said to get there a few weeks early. Remember? She knew how silly it was to ask someone with an eidetic memory whether or not he recalled something, but she was giving Spencer a minute to compose himself and decide if his forkful of ramen was going to make it to his mouth or not.

It didn’t. The noodles plopped down in a salty, wet lump while the mouth that had been their original destination stretched ever wider in a smile of pure joy.

We’re not on a case right now. Hotch said he’d spare me whenever possible. So, unless something comes up, I can go with you and see you settled in. Reid’s grin faded a little. I just hope I can be there when it’s really time.

Me, too. But we talked about this. We’re not gonna be like Hotch and Haley. I know what your job is like and, if it starts to bother me, I’ll tell you and we’ll work it out. I won’t leave.

Reid’s eyes teared up a little. They were trying so hard to go into this new phase of their lives with eyes open and expectations realistic. But there was only so much they could do to prepare for the changes having a child might bring. They wouldn’t really know what to expect until it happened. In the back of his mind, where he hoped it was hidden from his wife, Reid could still see the Hotchners bringing newborn Jack to the BAU for the first time. No one who saw them could have predicted they’d be torn apart, divorced less than four years later. The whole team had watched bitterness and sorrow carve up their boss, leaving cavernous wounds and a broken heart that Reid privately thought would never completely heal. It terrified him.

That’s not us, Spencer. He swallowed and looked up, focusing on the sunny, alpine blue of his wife’s eyes.

Damn. I didn’t want you to know…

That you have doubts? There’s nothing wrong with that. I think it’s more realistic than putting up a brave front. She reached across the table and twined her fingers through his. I’m scared, too. But our situation is different…we’re different. Her smile flashed out at him. Besides, my biggest doubt is that there’s anyone else on the entire planet who’d be able to put up with either of us.

You’re right. Reid’s eyes widened. Ana! How’s our daughter ever going to find someone? We already know she’s more gifted than her parents. What if she’s so exceptional, she ends up alone for her entire life?

Ana patted her stomach. Then our doctor will become our matchmaker. I bet he knows all kinds of exceptional people. But let’s give her a chance to grow up first, okay? Daddy?

Daddy. I like that. I never thought anyone would ever call me that.

I never thought I’d get to be called ‘Mommy’ either.

The prospective parents stared at each other.

Good God, Ana. We’re all grown up. When did that happen?

Her laugh defused Reid’s awe at finding himself staring fatherhood in the face.

Speak for yourself, Spencer. I still feel like a kid. She lumbered to her feet with her husband’s assistance. A really big, clumsy kid who has to pee a lot. But still…a kid.


“Carol, we’re out of toilet paper in the second floor men’s lavatory. Could you please get some from the storage closet?”

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