Chapter 35. Past Imperfect

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Reid and Ana knew where the doctor’s private office was from their previous visit.

They waited patiently until he arrived. When he did, he wasted no time on pleasantries, but chose to dive right into what was troubling the young telepath.

You both learned some of what I call ‘life truths’ in our last venture, and your child is now as safe as any unborn can be. But you’re concerned. For the future and for the past as well. Shall I continue, or would you like to tell me yourselves?

Reid lifted his wife’s hand and touched his lips to her fingers. Ladies first.

Doctor, would it be possible…could I… She took a breath. When my time comes, would you deliver our baby?

The old man’s smile activated every mirthful wrinkle he possessed. I would be honored, empath. But almost immediately his expression grew thoughtful, serious. This child is exceptional already. In light of what it has shown itself capable of doing in utero, I believe it would be a mistake to allow it to be born anyplace else. You should probably come to me several weeks early, if you can manage it.

The couple exchanged looks. That means we’ll need to be apart, Spencer. You can’t just leave your job, your team, for that long…can you?

No, I can’t. Damn. Reid sighed. They hadn’t considered past the point of securing this very elite doctor’s services in the delivery room.

Reid already hated the time he had to spend away from his wife. He’d never thought he’d ever find someone with whom he could build a family. Now that he had, he begrudged missing even a second of the experience. He looked into Ana’s hopeful eyes.

Let me talk to Hotch…see what we can work out.

She nodded. The main prize was theirs already: the doctor best suited to their needs was willing. The rest would just have to work itself out. And after just having embraced the concept of trusting in, for lack of a better expression, the ‘rightness’ of life’s underlying current that would, in time, move all things to their proper place, Ana decided to adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

That was your concern about the future. The doctor was clearly addressing Reid directly. Now tell me about the concern for what lies in your past.

Reid swallowed. He felt Ana’s hand increase its pressure on his in token of support and sympathy.

My mother. It’s about my mother. He watched as the doctor’s face transformed. Its wrinkled topography could be so expressive of happiness. Now, Reid saw it display an equal depth of regretful sorrow.

Your mother is a paranoid schizophrenic and you wonder if, given other circumstances, she might have avoided mental illness. You wonder if your ESP-er gifts come from her. You wonder about the genes you have already bequeathed to your child.

For once Reid was glad to have his thoughts invaded, information pulled from him. Even if the communication wasn’t verbal, this subject was hard to express. It was also hard to feel the doctor’s pity.

I’m sorry, telepath. It is possible that your mother is gifted as you are; that you inherited some of your abilities from her. It is also possible that at some point, if her brain had been tweaked in a different direction, she would not have descended into madness. There is no way I can offer you a more decisive answer without examining her myself. The same goes for your hope that even now she could be helped, repaired.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now