Chapter 59. Too Many Storms

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“Thanks, Mama.” Morgan flipped his phone closed and looked over to where Reid was surrounded by the rest of the team. As uncomfortable as he was in Reid’s weird, paranormal world, he still felt like a big brother to him. Of all the members of his team, Reid and Garcia touched his heart in a very special way. Pretty Boy and Baby Girl. They were quirky, and unique, and didn’t quite mesh with the rest of the world…and they were his. His to protect. His to guide. He protected Hotch as well, but that was different. That was out of admiration and respect that had grown into a rough kind of love for the team alpha. Rossi, Hotch and Prentiss prowled; they stalked, moving through their lives with predatory grace and strength. Garcia and Reid…bumbled. Garcia and Reid were the pups Morgan looked out for.

And now every parent’s nightmare had been served up to the boy-pup on a platter. Morgan swallowed, took a deep breath, and joined the group. Hotch shot him an inquiring glance.

“Garcia’s hooking up with NYPD. She’ll call us back as soon as she finds out anything.”

Hotch nodded and returned his attention to the huddled mass of misery that was his youngest agent. He felt he had to say something, even if the words were meaningless, transparent attempts to comfort. It was all he could do…all any of them could do while they were airborne.

“Reid, let’s break this down. Step by step, okay?”

Tragic, wet eyes looked up, begging to be thrown a lifeline…anything would do.

“First, Ana’s going to be fine. We’ll get to her and you’ll be together again, and she’ll be fine.” Hotch had to steady himself for the next part. Having just shed secret tears in the privacy of the lavatory for a nameless child he’d never seen, it was hard to keep his voice level when the subject was Melinda…my goddaughter!...He did a good job being stoic, but no one was fooled; their leader’s heart was breaking right along with Reid’s.

“And Melinda’s an exceptional child. At some point, she’ll be seen. She can’t help but stand out. Someone will take notice of her and that’s when we’ll find her.” It was weak, but there wasn’t much you could say to someone who probably had all the statistics pertaining to child abductions and kidnapping scrolling through his mind on a never-ending loop.

“She’ll be fine,” Hotch repeated with less bravado than he’d begun, mind working frantically to find a stronger thread of hope. Statistics. Use the statistics, the probabilities. He’ll relate to that and it will make the picture less grim.

“And don’t forget, Reid,” Hotch continued, “Infant abduction is very different from child abduction. In most cases, the baby isn’t harmed. In fact, the unsub is usually female and wants a child of her own, so she makes every effort to see to the infant’s needs.”

At that, Reid looked up, locking eyes with his boss, wanting desperately to believe that his daughter was being cared for, was safe. He gulped back the sob that still wanted to burst forth, making his voice creak.

“That’s true. That’s true. Babies sur-survive a lot more than older children. That’s t-true, Hotch.”

“Of course it’s true.” J.J. snuggled her forehead against Reid’s neck. “Melinda’s okay. She’s just lost, Spence; not in danger.”

“And nobody’s better at finding what’s lost than we are.” Prentiss did her best to sound confident.

Reid nodded, eyes going distant as he turned his teammates’ words over and over in his mind, inspecting them, drawing scant comfort from them…but comfort nonetheless.

…Until the laptop sitting on the table central to their seating area gave its trademark ping, signaling that Garcia was incoming. Morgan leaned in closer, looking into the carnival-colored space the woman had created for herself to stave off the grim realities of her job.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now