Chapter 31. Stones of a Feather

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The doctor and Rossi went their separate ways.

They would meet again at the hospital, but Rossi wanted to touch bases with Prentiss, and he wanted to let Millie know that their lunch plans were uncertain. At this point, everything was uncertain, but best not to delve into the specifics. For now, tendering regrets about missing a meal would be enough.

He hoped the two women weren’t too uncomfortable in each other’s company…and, if they were, he hoped Prentiss hadn’t gone wandering off into the wilderness in a quest to escape tea and nosiness. Or worse, gone poking about the town with her professionally curious need to learn secrets and to see into dark corners, especially now that the doctor had expressed his aversion to inquisitive outsiders.

He was surprised when he came within view of the B&B to see two figures on the wide porch, sitting close together, heads almost touching. He had to get nearer before he’d believe it was the proprietress and her latest collectable FBI agent.

Millie was holding court in her favorite rocking chair, leaning forward, deep in the process of showing Miss Princess the mysteries of crocheting. The two were so occupied Rossi’s approach went unnoticed until he was halfway up the front steps.

“…Dave!...” Millie looked up, then glanced at her wristwatch; an accessory that did double duty since she kept a handkerchief tucked firmly beneath the underside of the band. It fluttered pinkly in the wake of her hand’s movement.

 “Oh, goodness! The time has simply flown by this morning!” Millie’s beaming smile spoke of how delighted she was that she could display her present company for all the neighbors to see. “Here you are and I haven’t even begun to plan lunch!”

Rossi noticed that her exclamations were loud enough to garner looks from the few pedestrians on the sidewalk. Millie never missed an opportunity to shine.

Prentiss stood, looking a little abashed at having been found not only engaged in such a quaint, domestic hobby as crocheting, but enjoying it. She looked down the street in the direction from which Rossi had come. A small line appeared between her brows.

“Where’re the others? How’s Hotch? Ana?”

Rossi realized his expression was still reflective of the disturbing discussion he’d had with the doctor regarding reincarnation. He took a breath and cleared his mind, as much as he could, of the subject. If anything was to be done about it, it wouldn’t be here and it wouldn’t be now. Other matters required his attention.

“Hotch is good. Everyone seems fine for the moment.” Rossi hesitated. He didn’t know if the doctor’s request for discretion applied to passing on his quasi-diagnosis of the connection between Hotch and an unborn child, or if he just didn’t want Prentiss digging any deeper into the town’s business in general. He also didn’t know if he should be the one to mention anything pertaining to the doctor’s practice in front of Millie. The woman was a curious combination of sly, social politics and naivety. Rossi decided to err on the side of caution.

“I just wanted to let you know we’ll be at the hospital for a while. I’m on my way there now.”

The women spoke simultaneously.

“Oh! Then you’ll be missing lunch?”……. “Great. I’ll go with you.”

Rossi gave an equally apologetic look to both. “I’m afraid you’ll be without the whole group for lunch, Miss Millie. I’m sorry. But I’m sure we’ll be along later. And, Prentiss…a word?” He tilted his head, inviting the agent to follow him down the steps for a more private discussion.

Emily untangled herself from the cream-colored string Millie had given her to learn the art of doily-making and followed Rossi down to the street, ready to accompany him.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now