Chapter 74. Healed

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With Rossi in close attendance, the doctor deposited Hotch back on the bed from which he’d so recently risen.

The Unit Chief took a seat on the mattress edge despite the weariness that made him want to lie down and allow himself to drift into a doze. Really getting tired of spending so much time unconscious around this guy, he thought a little uncharitably about the elderly doctor.

“That’s because you’re always in trouble when you come to me…or, in this case, when I come to you.” The smile was kindly as the old man pulled his chair closer, allowing him to sit knee to knee with Hotch. He smoothed the hair back from his patient’s forehead and peered through the bottoms of his glasses at the downcast eyes.

“Look at me, Aaron.” The eyes flicked upward obediently.

After a moment, Hotch frowned. He was a little slow on the uptake and something had just registered in his groggy brain. “You came to us. You left your home. Why?”

The doctor gave Rossi an amused glance before answering. “Why? Because you needed me. That’s why.”

“But…that’s…” Hotch gave his head a little shake as though trying to clear it. “You don’t do that.”

Placing fingers along each side of his patient’s jaw, he tipped the head up, holding it steady so he  could inspect whatever presented itself to his ESP-er vision through the window of the eyes.

“I do whatever is necessary…” He moved slightly, granting himself different angles of observation. “…Nothing less. Nothing more.”


“Shhhh…Aaron.” Rossi placed a hand on Hotch’s shoulder and squeezed, underlining the imperative to keep still.

After several minutes of intense concentration, the doctor nodded. Letting both hands drop to his patient’s shoulders, he squeezed. But whereas Rossi’s grip had been admonitory, this one was reassuring. He followed up by rotating and pressing Hotch’s upper body down in the direction of the mounded pillows. The Unit Chief didn’t resist, bringing his legs up and stretching out full length with a sigh. He wanted to ask questions, and to go see Ana and his goddaughter, but the leaden feeling in his limbs told him he wouldn’t be much use without some rest.

The doctor and Rossi stood side by side, looking down on a yawning Aaron. Rossi spoke first.

“Is he alright?”

The old man shook his head, alarming the agent until he realized it was a gesture of bemusement, rather than one of negation.

“She shouldn’t have been able to do that.” The grizzled head continued its perplexed movement. “Encountering something that unexpected almost makes me feel young again.” He glanced toward Rossi and realized his words were giving scant comfort. “I’m sorry. Your boy will be fine with a few hours of sleep. But that child…she shouldn’t have been able to do that.”

Rossi misunderstood, thinking the reference was to how Melinda had been able to access Hotch in the first place, especially after all the work that had gone into providing him with a defensive talisman.

“She didn’t force her way. He invited her.” Rossi’s voice was mixed regret and admiration. “He took the bracelet off and hid it. He knew he’d be able to make Melinda find him before we could get it back on him.” Rossi shook his head, speaking more loudly for Hotch’s benefit. “It was a bonehead move, Aaron. You didn’t know for sure what the risks of doing that were.”

“Mmmphhf.” It was all the Unit Chief had to say on the subject. He covered his eyes with one forearm, blocking out the light from the room’s elegant torchieres.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now