Chapter 49. Duck #1

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Carol Bescardi was lining up her ducks.

She’d always had a goal; the resumption of her studies pertaining to ESP. With the birth announcement of Melinda Reid, she had a potential test subject as well. The ex-doctor chafed at the restrictions attendant on her status as a ward of the New York State prison system. At first, she told herself to be patient; to keep building on the trust and solid reputation she was crafting during her work release. But the thought that the child was out there, just waiting for someone to discover its abilities was too much.

She started small.

Step one: locate the baby.

For a woman of Bescardi’s determination and silky slyness, that was as easy as child’s play. She relied on the naiveté of the baby’s maternal grandparents. The words she would use had been running through her mind for days before she finally gave in to temptation and picked up a phone on her lunch hour. A quick internet search had garnered the number for the only Ashcroft family listed in Needles, California. Feeling an almost unbearable thrill of anticipation, Bescardi dialed.

One ring.



Come on, you stupid, small-town peons! Answer. ANSWER!


“Hello?” It was the cheery, almost lilting voice of an older female.

Bescardi glanced around, assuring herself of privacy in the cafeteria where she took lunch every day. The only other occupants of the space were involved in a discussion so intense their heads almost touched as they sat across a table from each other. They were poring over paperwork as well. Safe. Time to implement step one.

“Hello! Is this the Ashcroft residence?”

“Yes, it is.”

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I’ve been out of touch with Ana for so long and I just heard she became a mother recently!” Bescardi affected a breathy, joyful, oh-my-I’m-so-glad-for-her type of delivery.

“Yes, she did.” The pride and happiness marked the speaker as a relative.

Most likely the girl’s mother.

“Well, I missed out on the first wave of congratulations, but I’d really like to get in touch…maybe send some flowers?” Bescardi took a breath; this was the crucial point. “But I’ve been so busy and the address I have is old…from before she married Spencer.” Nice touch. She preened a little at including personal information like Ana’s husband’s name. It marked her claim of acquaintanceship with the stamp of authenticity. If the old bat buys it.

“Of course, I’m sure Ana’d love to hear from an old friend.” There was the sound of papers shuffling, or maybe an address book’s pages turning. “She’s busy looking after Melinda right now, so she doesn’t get out as much as she’d like. Ah! Here it is.” The rustling noises stopped. “Eleven-twenty-five Decatur Avenue, number 7A…am I going too fast?”

“No. No, you’re doing just fine.” Imbecile.

“Quantico, Virginia. And the zip there is…22135. Got it?” It was a bright, friendly inquiry.

Yes, idiot, I’ve got it. Thank you for being such a trusting fool.

Ana’s mother looked at the receiver buzzing in her hand. The call had ended abruptly. Almost as if the woman on the other end had hung up as soon as she had the information she needed.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now