Chapter 76. Damage Control

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The doctor watched the young parents evaluate his diagnosis of their daughter.

He could see their psychic awareness enfold it; test it from different angles. When he saw their thoughts begin to extend beyond the immediate situation, he knew they’d reached a state of acceptance.

Planning for the future is a sure sign they’re up to the challenge, to the worries…and also the joys…of raising a truly remarkable child. He smiled approval at them before turning to a less pleasant task.

The woman in the bathroom. In the tub, to be exact. He wrinkled his nose in distasteful anticipation. After the gentle, ordered mind of Aaron, and the exceptionally lively one of the baby, what awaited him next was like a breath of foul air. His senses recoiled at the psychic stench before he’d even trained the full force of his perception on the creature.

With a sigh, the doctor rose, leaving Reid and Ana to confer in silent telepathy over plans to safeguard and nurture little Melinda.

He turned to look at the three FBI agents. They’d been very quiet, watching his silent exchange with the Reids. He sensed concern, skepticism, and, in the man, a certain discomfort when dealing with any aspect of the paranormal. Brow furrowed, he was staring at the doctor, keeping a close watch on his every move. He seemed a bit disconcerted when the old man chuckled and addressed him.

“I understand your antipathy, agent. But be assured, at my age I will make no sudden moves.”

Morgan gave a small start, catching himself almost immediately. In true alpha fashion, he raised his chin and, although attempting to explain, didn’t offer the least hint of apology. “You’ve helped my friends. I know that. But a lot of what goes on in your…world…or discipline…or whatever you want to call it…has hurt them, too. I don’t think you need to be fast on your feet to be a threat.”

With a distant, considering look in his eyes, the doctor nodded. “True.” After a few beats he focused on the agent. “You find me beyond your understanding and, therefore, beyond your ability to anticipate. All I can tell you is that I mean none of you harm. I hold Aaron dear…just as you do.”

Morgan wasn’t ready to concede anything. “Not ‘just’ as I do. Being around this…stuff…this paranormal stuff has hurt him. A lot. If it were up to me, this kind of thing wouldn’t even exist. It’s just too…”

“…Unpredictable?” The doctor smiled again as the agent realized the word had been picked from his thoughts.

“Let me tell you about your friend. He is something of a victim soul.” Morgan’s frown deepened. The doctor hastened to explain. “I don’t mean in the religious sense. I mean that Aaron makes himself available and vulnerable, for the sake of others, in a way I’ve rarely seen.” The deeper lines on Morgan’s brow smoothed, acknowledging the truth of what he heard, as the old man continued.

“He has a combination of selflessness and humanitarianism that verges on the unhealthy.” Morgan’s frown returned. “I say that because the root of his generosity in risking himself on others’ behalf is a bone-deep belief that he himself isn’t as valuable as those he tries to save.”

It was Morgan’s turn to nod. His shoulders which had been tensed, relaxed, making him look less adversarial…more open to debate. “I know that.  That’s why he needs people around him who’ll have his back. Not people…or forces…that’ll jump into his brain when he’s not looking.”

The doctor appreciated this mans’ genuine concern. He hoped that he’d be able to make him see the difference between being attacked as opposed to inviting attack.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now