Chapter 79. Rossi's First Time

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It took some orchestrated hacking and phone work to cover up the true nature of Melinda's kidnapping and rescue.

Garcia and J.J. did most of the heavy lifting, preparing paper and digital trails that would make it look as though their team had been called in by NYPD. A little cooperation from New York's boys in blue came in handy once Rossi called in some favors from contacts deep within the system. He assured Reid that his friends knew the importance of discretion and hadn't asked for details, but the young father was still a bundle of nerves. The sooner he could get his family back home, the better.

During the hours it took for wheels to be put in motion, and for the stage to be set for disposal of Bescardi, the group remained behind closed doors in their suite.

It had been decided that, when the time was right, they would escort their unsub down to the street and find an anonymous alley in which to deposit her. The official story of a childless woman on the edge of insanity to begin with, who had taken a baby to raise as her own, would be put forth as the motive. Morgan and Prentiss were the chosen duo to 'find' the baby, but Reid put his foot down more firmly than anyone thought he could.

Melinda would not be taken out of his sight. He would accompany the other two agents and would allow EMTs called to the scene to examine his daughter. But he would exert whatever influence he had, and throw his slight weight around, if necessary, to keep her in the safety of his arms.

Ana agreed wholeheartedly. It took a great deal of arguing to convince her to stay behind. They didn't want any overly-observant cop wondering why the baby's mother was on site. As it was, they would avoid any mention of Bescardi's true intentions and wouldn't bring her previous connection to the Reids, Hotch and Rossi to light.

With the bones in place, the team waited while J.J. and Garcia put the FBI's official fingerprint on the entire gambit.

When conversation lagged, each agent took refuge in his or her own thoughts. Ana and Reid were completely absorbed in their own little world, still nuzzling their baby to make sure she was really, truly over her ordeal.

After a while, Hotch went to one of the windows and gazed out at the view. His eyes were distant. It didn't look as though he was really seeing the street or the park across from the hotel. Morgan glanced around, but no one was paying much attention. He rose and went to Hotch's side with quiet steps. He kept his voice low, partly for privacy and partly to avoid startling a man who wasn't quite present, judging by the look of him.


Despite Morgan's care, the Unit Chief's body jerked. But the signs were minimal; just a slight movement, a stiffening that was quickly arrested. He turned his head to meet his subordinate's cautious look.

"Are you okay, man?" Morgan rarely touched Hotch unless it was to restrain him when he became too passionate for his own good on the job, or to work on his muscles with the intention of easing physical injury. And, although something about the man cried out for everyone to respect his privacy, something also cried out that he was a little lost and traveling through a vulnerable time. Morgan risked a hand on his boss' back. He was relieved when Hotch didn't shrug it off or morph into his wolf-eyed glare.

"I'm fine." He looked around the suite at the Reids, clearly involved in telepathic communication. Their lively facial expressions were almost enough to follow the gist of the wordless conversation. Off to one side, the old doctor and Rossi were engaged in what looked like an intense discussion. Hotch brought his eyes back to Morgan's.

"I know this kind of thing isn't easy for you, Morgan. Believe me when I say I understand how this paranormal stuff can throw you some curves."

Since Hotch seemed open to the subject, Morgan decided to take the plunge. He settled his hand more firmly between the narrow shoulder blades, thinking, if he was off limits, he'd likely feel Hotch's reaction in his posture before he'd learn about it verbally.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now