Chapter 20. Reunions

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“This way, child.”

The venerable old man escorted Hotch into his home and deposited him on the worn, comfortable couch, whose sagging presence filled most of his living room.

“May I get you anything?” He ducked his hoary head, chiding himself. “No, you tend to deny yourself when offered what others would have no qualms accepting. So I’m not asking. I’m bringing you a snack and some…tea, I think.”

“Thank you. That would be nice.”

Hotch was smiling. It was easy to do around this man. He could sense the doctor’s genuine affection. He realized he felt safe here. For some reason it was alright to let down his guard, to let this man look after him. He wondered if it was a simple matter of conditioning. Both times he’d been in this man’s presence, he’d been in no shape to refuse care. The doctor had answered his need. He didn’t believe he was in need at the present, but it still felt good to be cared for. As much as he loved the people in his life, it was nice to be away from anyone who looked to him for leadership and answers, decisions and directions.

“That’s why we have vacations, young Aaron.” Hotch pulled himself back from his private musings, a wry smile the only indication that he’d forgotten how accessible his thoughts were to this man.

“I know. But this is…different. This is…safer. I feel like I can breathe better here.”

The doctor placed a plate of crackers topped with various cheeses and sliced sausages on the small occasional table at Hotch’s elbow. He followed it with a large mug of steaming tea.

“I know you don’t normally use lemon or sugar, but if you’d like some, just say.” The old man settled himself in a chair facing his guest. “And speaking of breathing, I notice you’re not able to do so as fully as one might wish.”

Hotch nodded and helped himself to one of the homey, simple hors d’oeuvres. “I got hurt. But it’s not bad.” He shot a quick glance at the doctor. “It’s what happened with Ana that brought us here. I’m fine.”

The doctor was silent, watching this man who touched his heart as it hadn’t been for such a long, long time. Go carefully. Don’t deprive him of his illusion of safety. What is happening to him is new ground for me, too.

The thought of something unknown, of a challenge for his abilities and the possibility of attaining hitherto undiscovered knowledge acted like a tonic on him. This visitor brought something that almost made the doctor feel young again. But whatever the phenomenon was, his first concern was to help Aaron, if help was to be had.

I couldn’t save my brother. I refuse to lose the spirit residing within this man. If that happened, I would follow him. I would let myself cease as well.


Millie’s B&B was bathed in light.

The proprietress had turned on every source of illumination throughout her home. It was a visual announcement to the neighbors that she was once again the focal point of action and excitement in this staid, quiet village.

Her permanent boarder, Julio Ruiz, had ensconced himself in the parlor, thoroughly enjoying the indoctrination of the female FBI agent. She’d been peripheral to the incident in Miami when he’d first met Reid and all his ghosts. But he’d heard her called ‘Prentiss.’ When Millie had finished parading her past the foyer display devoted primarily to Rossi, but with touches of Reid and Hotchner, she brought her to Julio to perform an official introduction. Millie liked everyone under her roof to be acquainted. It made everything so much cozier, especially around the dining table.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now