Chapter 38. A Step Closer

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Saturday morning Reid and Ana paid a call on the doctor.

They were sure he already knew they’d arrived. He seemed to know everything of note that transpired in his little village. But it was the polite thing to do and they wanted to express their gratitude once again for putting himself at their service.

The receptionist at the hospital greeted them with an enthusiastic smile.

The doctor is very busy but he’ll be out in a few minutes, if you don’t mind waiting?

Not a problem. We don’t want to intrude. Just want to let him know we’re here. Reid helped Ana into a seat and hovered over her. He swelled with pride every time he looked at her. He didn’t think he’d ever get over the sheer wonder of knowing someone not only loved him enough to marry him, but had taken it to a whole new level by loving him enough to become the mother of his children. And every time he reveled in that realization, Ana would pick up on it and be unable to contain her equal and answering joy.

It works two ways, Spencer. She ran a gentle hand over his flat stomach as he stood beside her chair. I never thought I’d find someone who’d love me even when I look like a giant pear. Too bad we can’t share that particular burden.

He responded by leaning down and kissing the tip of her upturned nose. I promise once the baby’s born, I’ll do my fair share of bearing the burden. In fact, I’m betting this kid’s feet won’t touch the ground for years with me around.

Nonsense, children. 

The mental voice that carried such resonance and depth it could never be mistaken for anyone else’s, preceded the appearance of the hospital’s head doctor. You will love your child without depriving it of normal, developmental progress. Grace notes of humor danced around the reprimand, transforming it into an affectionate greeting.

Doctor. The single word was imbued with all of Reid’s respect and gratitude.

Telepath. It’s good to see you again. Both of you. The old gentleman walked to Ana’s side. He placed the palm of one hand against her cheek. Ana’s eyes closed, smile beatific. You’ve done well, empath. Very well. His brows rose, amusement sending them skyward. And you’ve been having some interesting dreams of late.

Ana felt a faint flush of heat. She hadn’t considered her dreams to be readable; not even by her husband. They faded so quickly upon awakening, she hardly recalled them herself. Only scattered images lingered. The doctor chuckled aloud.

Blame your child. She misses Aaron.

Reid’s eyes widened as he looked down at her. You’re dreaming about Hotch?

Not like that! Ana saw no reason to conceal the fact once it had been dragged into the open. Lately, I keep seeing him just doing normal things; eating, sleeping, mowing his lawn, playing with Jack. And sometimes at the BAU with the rest of you guys. I didn’t bring it up, because it doesn’t seem significant. A shade of worry came into her eyes as she looked up at the doctor. Is it significant?

The doctor shook his head. No. We discussed this possibility. Your child is seeking him. He is her perfect storm. A slight frown appeared to add more wrinkles to the weathered face. It might be a good idea, the next time you come here, telepath, to bring Aaron with you. It would be a wise precaution to ask Julio to recharge the amulets all of you wear. And maybe I will speak to him about creating one for the child as well.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now