Chapter 7. Vegas Vendetta

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Drifts of glittered confetti marked the path the newlyweds had taken to escape their guests.

Garcia had provided small packets of the substance to throw as the married couple departed. Ana had known her husband was at the end of his emotional rope when, glassy-eyed, he’d begun lecturing all and sundry about how the more traditional throwing of rice was once thought to encourage fertility. Then he veered off on a tangent about the urban myth that rice was harmful for birds, saying the creatures that were truly in danger were the human guests. Rice grains were notorious for inflicting pain on unprotected eyeballs and the tiny, hard grains were even more insidious when it came to transforming normally safe surfaces like pavement into treacherous traps for those wearing slippery-soled footwear.

As Reid elaborated about the difficulties most wedding venues endured in cleaning up after rice-throwers, Ana kissed her parents goodbye, sent affectionate glances toward the members of the wedding party, and bundled her spouse into their getaway SUV.

Once inside, they had been instructed to follow the map Hotch had programmed into the GPS. When it took them to a utilitarian-looking motel adjacent to the nearest airport, they exchanged puzzled looks.

Ana, do you have any idea what this is about?...why we’re here?

No, of course not! Not a very glamorous place, but…she sighed…all I really want is to be somewhere quiet and private with lots and lots of you.

Hotch sent us here. You didn’t get a clue while you were…you know…with him?

Spencer! The outrage in her telepathic touch made Reid wince. Hotch and I don’t share thoughts! We never speak! Unless you’re with me and enabling it, the only one I can speak to is you. Jealous, jealous husband! A darker, softer sensation wrapped itself around her words. After I tell you how silly you are to be jealous, can I tell you how flattering it is? I never thought anyone would ever feel that way about me.

Reid let his male ego bristle and preen for a moment, knowing it would make his bride laugh. I feel that way. I feel lots of other things about you, too. Let’s go check in. For the first time, we’ll tell someone we’re Dr. and Mrs. Reid.

The newlyweds signed the registry and were given a key to the room that had been reserved for them. They brought their overnight bags in and immediately noticed two larger pieces of luggage by the bed, and a rather heavy envelope propped with care against the lamp on the nightstand.

With the suspicious nature that attended his profession, Reid sent Ana into the questionable security of the bathroom while he pried the envelope open with forensic care. Nothing exploded. No dangerous narcotic substance made its presence known. Instead, a small stream of glittery bits matching what had been thrown at the couple as they left their reception spilled out. When Ana felt Reid’s mental gasp, she went to his side.

What is it? Spencer?

He was too tired, too surprised, and too happy to respond in any coherent fashion. Instead he displayed the envelope’s contents to his bride.

Two round trip tickets to Hawaii, complete with hotel reservations for a full week.

Neither bride nor groom had ever been to the island state. Both had always hoped to see it one day. But the accompanying note that revealed the generous donors was a gift in itself.

“Spencer and Anastasia---We packed you swimsuits, shorts and sunscreen. The rest is up to you. May you have sons and daughters of you own, so that, one day, you will understand how much you are loved.”

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now