Chapter 19. Sanctuary

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Garcia had thoughtfully arranged for their rental to be a large, spacious town car.

Rossi had taken the wheel, keeping Hotch in the front beside him, and putting the other three members of their party in the wide backseat. When they reached their destination, he paused at the edge of town, letting the engine idle as they scanned the scene before them.

“Huh. So this is the place.” Prentiss leaned forward, craning her neck to see as much as possible through the windshield. “Looks so normal. Even kind of cozy, you know?”

Rossi let his eyes drift to the far end of the street. The hospital waited, as it always had. Despite the good things that had been accomplished there, he felt a twinge of anxiety. From this point on, I’m not in charge. I’ll be lucky to understand or even perceive whatever happens. Nonetheless, a faint smile touched his lips. He was remembering sitting down to tea with Millie. He realized now how grateful he was that someone so comfortably unremarkable was available to reassure visitors of the beauty inherent in a simple life.

Ana’s eyes were fastened on Reid. What do you see, Spencer?

Take my hand, I’ll show you.

She twined her fingers through his and let her lids drift shut, blocking out anything that would distract her from sharing her husband’s psychic vision. Her sudden intake of breath made Rossi and Prentiss turn from their own inspection of the village.

Prentiss frowned, then looked at Rossi. “What’s she doing?”

“The way I understand it, if Reid helps her, she can see through his eyes.”

“And that’s better than opening her own, because…?”


“Oh, yeah. Forgot about that.” Prentiss  watched as Ana leaned her forehead against her husband’s shoulder. Reid’s eyes were wide, and in constant motion. His smile spread with a wondrous sort of joy. After a moment’s observation, Prentiss looked back at the town, trying to imagine what her colleague was seeing that could account for such an expression.

Do you see it, Ana?

Yes. Oh, yes. It’s beautiful. Her tone grew serious. You miss this, don’t you? When we’re back in the normal world…you miss this.

Yes and no. Reid gave a deep sigh. But you’re right: it’s beautiful.

Through the falling shades of twilight, his ESP-er eyes saw banners and bursts of color, twining and interweaving. Some were textured, the variations in shade and hue adding extra dimension. The hospital at the end of the road was a chest of jewel-toned fireworks. Sprays and fountains of sparks shot across more sedate fields of visible energy. When Reid blinked, the afterimage of so much light played across his closed lids. He looked away from the town’s psychic sanctuary. Along the sides of the street, emanating from a few homes he could see the same sorts of auras, but quieter, calmer.

Ana disengaged herself and sat up straighter. Prentiss was looking at her, questions blazing their own kind of light in the depths of her dark eyes.

“So he… ,” she pointed her chin at Reid, “…sees auras. And you never do?”

Ana shook her head. “Nope. I see just the way you do. Unless Spencer helps me.”

“Mmmmm.” Prentiss took another look out the side window nearest her. “Looks like just another sleepy, little town getting itself tucked in for the night.” She glanced toward the passenger seat in front of her. “What about you, Hotch? You see anything weird?” Silence. “Hotch?”

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now