Chapter 78. A Lesser Life

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J.J. looked up as Morgan closed the door to the room where they knew Rossi was watching over Hotch.

“They awake?”

She was removing lids from serving dishes, revealing what looked like a sumptuous breakfast on the large, room service trolley. It was their second round of ordering. The first could have qualified as a very late dinner. Since then, hours had passed with no sounds issuing from either the bedroom or the bathroom where the doctor was closeted with Bescardi. They’d grabbed what sleep they could, but nerves and adrenaline were still running high. Food seemed like a better way to reenergize than rest.

“Uh…yeah. Yeah, they’re awake.” Morgan sounded distracted, eyes focused inward as he reviewed every bizarre, new facet of the Rossi-Hotch conundrum.

Prentiss and J.J. exchanged looks. “Something wrong? Morgan?” Prentiss had raided the mini-bar the night before, ostensibly to help her get some shut-eye, but now she had a slight headache and really didn’t want any new mystery rearing its ugly head.

Morgan pulled himself back to the present situation and company. “What? Oh…uh…no. No, everything’s fine.” But when he gave one more confounded glance in the direction of the bedroom, the ladies’ eyebrows rose. They looked at each other again, exhibiting small, twin, mischievous smiles.

Prentiss couldn’t resist. “I dunno, Morgan. By the look on your face, I’d say…hmmmmm…they’re romping around in there, riding lavender unicorns…wearing little glitter hats. Am I right?”

That image finally jolted Morgan out of whatever train of thought was distancing him. His head snapped around to glare at his teammates. “Shut up, Prentiss.”

Unfazed, Emily shrugged. “Just sayin’.” She shifted gears as the aromas from the breakfast spread filled the suite. “So you say they’re okay.” Her glance found the bathroom door. “What about those guys in there?”

Morgan shook his head. “I’m not checking them out. You can, but that’s one party I don’t wanna crash.”

J.J. sighed and handed a plate to Prentiss. “I’m just glad this place has more than one bathroom. I have a feeling housekeeping’ll have their work cut out for them in there once we leave.” She offered a plate to Morgan, gesturing toward the trolley for the agents to help themselves. “And speaking of leaving, what are we going to do to explain all this? The police are still on the case looking for a baby and whoever took her.”

Morgan forked some sausages onto his plate. “I have some ideas, but it depends on what Reid has to say about it, and whatever’s happening in…there.” He threw another dark look toward the bathroom door.


Rossi held onto Hotch until he felt some of his tension ease. There wasn’t much else he could do. He’d told Hotch as well as he knew how that he was a loved, even cherished man. But the wounds inside his friend were too deep and too chronic for quick healing. They’d been opened again and again throughout his life. By now the man was practically composed of scar tissue.

And telling him he’s a worthwhile human being isn’t going to cut through all that mess. Rossi gave the body under his hands another affectionate squeeze. Isn’t it amazing how kind words can do so little to heal, but cruel ones can lacerate a man’s soul and drive so deep he’ll never be free of them.

He felt Hotch trying to pull away and eased him back, still keeping a grip on his upper arms. Rossi looked at the downcast eyes, the expressionless face, and gave a gusty sigh.

“Personally, Aaron, I think a long, hard cry would do you a world of good. But…that could just be the Italian in me.” He was encouraged when Hotch’s lips turned up ever so slightly.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now