Chapter 3

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SeokJin's POV

'Pregnant' my eyes widen at words written in the small stick in front of me. I drop it, my eyes clench, and my back slides down the counter, until I hit the floor.

I smile knowing there's a life inside of me. I wish I knew how, it must be impossible seeing as I'm a man not a woman.

My smile slowly drops, the father of my unborn child is someone I don't even know, that truth saddens me. I know for a fact that the unknown man from that night is the father of my child because the next morning when I arrived back home Jimin claimed I was disgusting and he refused to touch me. He hit me until I bruised purple. He has refused to have sex with me ever since. It's been two months since that day, the day I got sold to a random guy.

I ask myself why I don't leave Jimin but the truth is that I can't. Even if he did sell me to that random guy I still love him. Well that's what I thought before I saw these words. Is it right to stay with someone that's abusive while being pregnant? I still love Jimin, but I don't want to see my baby get hurt because of him.

I honestly don't know why I want to keep this baby but this child is not at fault for what happened to me. I hate myself for giving in that day, I didn't even try to push him off me. A part of me knows I actually really enjoyed it.  I hate myself for that.

It was the best pleasure I've ever received, it doesn't even compare to what Jimin has gave me. I'd consider asking the man who gave me such pleasure to take care of me and our unborn child, but I don't know him. I don't even have a Job.

"Jin, get the fuck out of the bathroom you've been in there all day" Jimin yells from outside the door. I grab the pregnancy test, cover it with toilet paper, then proceed to throw it in the black trash bin. Taking a deep breathe, I unlock the door.

Slowly I walk into the dark hallway, only to be pushed against the wall not even seconds later. A small tear slips out of my eye as I receive a punch in the face. "You fucking slut..." He takes a whiff of the air around him. "...Why the fuck do you smell like you just threw up!"

I look down at the floor, do I tell him... no he won't believe me. He'll probably make a joke out it like my older brother did. My older brother, the only one in my family to still talks to me, the only one who hasn't disowned me. He's the only reason I even took the pregnancy test, I'd told him I was feeling sick and that was his solution. I of course did as he said because in a way I felt as if it were true.

"Fucking answer me!" I look him in the eye, not having a clue of what to say. "I-I'm sick." He lets go of me, I assume because he doesn't want to get sick. "Jimin, I-I think we should...break up." His eyes widen "W-what? No. We're not breaking up...I-I love you please don't go." He says in the most loving way possible, it makes me want to stay, though it's a facade .

I look at Jimin's beautiful face, his false emotions make me want to stay. I clutch my shirt, I have to think about my baby, I can't think about Jimin in this situation. It's way too dangerous, for the both of us. "J-Jimin, I love you, I really do, b-but I can't do this anymore, the constant beatings. I can't deal with that, especially right now." I whisper the last part.

He lunges towards me, slapping me on the face. He punches me and starts kicking me. I grab my stomach making sure not a single hit lands on it. It hurts, but I'm kind of used to it by now and the only thing on my mind is the life inside of me, I must protect it.

After about 10 minutes he stops, only his laughter can be heard. He grabs me by the hair, looking me in the eyes. "You think I actually give a damn? Leave. Go. I don't have a crap. You're just a fucking slut, I can find another one." He walks away, leaving me there all bruised and bloody. I take shallow breaths, trying my best to stand up. We've broken up before so I know to leave before he gets back.


I look around the place I once called home, sighing I decide to call my brother. The line rings for a while before I hear a tired voice on the other line. "Jin, What do you want?" I sigh not wanting my older brother to have to hear my problems again. "Yoongi, can you  please pick me up at the store by Jimin's house?" I can hear how his breathing changes when I ask for him to pick me up. "On my way, but you have to explain!" I sigh as he hangs up the phone leaving me there alone with my thoughts.


"Jin." I hear my older brother say as he sits next to me on the bench in front of the store. "What happened this time?" I look at him in fear mostly because the voice he uses is frightening. "W-we uhm broke up again, that's all."

"That's not true and you know it." He points to the visible bruise forming on my face. I sigh defeatedly "Well... two months ago, Jimin sold me off to this random guy, we had sex so that Jimin's debt could be payed off." His fist clench and his jaw tightens. "The other day... when you made that dumb joke of me being pregnant. I decided to take a test." I laugh knowing I sound like a dumbass.

"I-I'm pregnant" I declare looking down at the floor. "Is it Jimin's?" My brother asks, anger in his voice, he also completely ignores to ask how it's possible. "N-no." He looks at me knowingly. "So what are you going to do now?" He states a slightly calmer than earlier. "I-I... don't know."

He chuckles. "I could always get you a Job." My eyes widen, I know what Job he'll suggest. My family prioritizes their jobs, even before family. If I know my brother he won't care if im his younger brother. He'll suggest I work for him. Do I really have a choice though, no other place will accept me, I don't have a college degree and most places ask for that.

"What... Job would that be, Yoongi?" He looks me in the eye "Work at my strip club?" He says with the biggest smile plastered on his face.

So happy new year (I'm like really late but who cares I still said it!)
This chapter sucked (then again every chapter sucks(just my opinion))
Ok well I'll go and eat my food and get fatter now

One night -TaeJin {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now