Chapter 20

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SeokJin's POV

"You look good." Ms. Kim says looking at my outfit. I smile at her. To be completely honest when I first met her I thought she hated me. The way she looked at me was just horrifying, but the next day she was the complete opposite. She was so sweet, it made me wish she was my mother. It's been a week since she's been here and honestly she's been doing everything with me. From helping me buy baby things to "please call me mother." It's been nice being with her, but I haven't seen much of Taehyung because of it.

"If I may ask. Why am I getting all dressed up?" She smiles at me with the most caring smile. "I'm getting you ready of course!" I look at her confused. "Ready for what exactly?" She laughs. "Dinner with Taehyung." She then looks at me knowingly. Truth is I told her about my crush on Taehyung. I also told her how he said he'd take me out to eat, but In all honesty I knew it wouldn't ever happen.

"How did you make it happen!?" I squeal just thinking about it. I'm going to have a real date with Taehyung. It's also going to be one of the rare times I've left the mansion. "I'm his mother. He hates my guts, but he knows not to disrespect me."

"Soo...where are we going!?" I ask, it comes out more desperate than I intended. "That my dear is a surprise." I sigh. "Fine."

"You're brother is coming over." Ms. Kim says with a straight face. "Why?" She takes a deep breath. "Taehyung told me that you and your brother aren't exactly getting along, so I decided to invite him over. You guys need to find a way to make up and then I'll allow you to go on this date with my son."

I nod. "Wow you look amazing." Ms. Kim says looking at me from head to toe. "I'm sure I look good. I mean you dressed me." She laughs. "Oh stop." She grabs me and forces me in front of a mirror. My eyes widen looking at my reflection. I have a small black dress on with white high thigh socks and black leather boots.

"Wow you look great." I hear the one and only brother I have say. Slowly, I turn around. "How did you get In here?" He smiles, rubbing his neck. "Taehyung's mom let me in. Something about we need to make up." I nod. "Uhm...I don't know what to say." He laughs "you don't have to say anything. It's me who should start. Uhm I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a bad brother. I put you in danger so many times, ever since you were little and all you did was love me." I feel tears start to form in my eyes.

"I sent you here even if I knew what Taehyung did for a living. I only cared about the money and I'm sorry for that. I just hope that you can forgive me." My bottom lip quivers and tears flow out of my eyes. "I-I do forgive you only because you're my brother and I love you so much." My eyes widen looking at him. "You're crying!?" He chuckles "of course I'm crying, I've honestly missed you and I don't want to lose you." He hugs me, gripping hard as if he'd lose me any second.

We stay like that for a few minutes until there's a knock on the door. "Come in." Yoongi says as he separates himself from the hug.

Taehyung walks in, eyes on me. "It's 7:00 and our reservation is for 7:30. I think we should get going." I nod. "Bye. See you later." I tell my brother, who just stares at us in confusion.

Slowly I walk behind Taehyung. He leads us to his car. My eyes widen as he opens the door for me. I sit down and he walks to his side. "You didn't have to do that." I say as he sits down. "Since I'm giving you this one date. I don't want it to suck. I want you to feel semi special." I smile, looking down to my feet.

The rest of the car ride is silent. The only thing I can hear is my heart beating. My forehead feels hot by just looking at him. The silence isn't awkward somehow it's comforting. (Still nervous cause of Taehyung)

"We're here." Taehyung announces. My eyes widen looking at the restaurant. It's lights are so bright.(idk what to call this restaurant) It's a two story and outdoor. All I want to ask if how did you afford this, but then I remember he's a mafia leader.

We walk in, everyone bows. It makes me feel more nervous than I already am. "Why is everyone bowing?" I whisper. "I own this place." He says back casually.

We sit down at a table. It's alone, no one is here only the two of us and a waiter of course. The waiter hands us a menu. I smile looking at the food options. They all look so good, but then I see the prices. How the fuck can one plate cost 4 dollar signs?!

"Are you guys ready?" The waiter ask. "Yes." Taehyung answers. "Ok. What would you guys like?" I open my mouth to speak,but close it as I'm cut off. "I'd like my usual. And he'll get the same thing. Just without the wine."

"Yes of course Sir." The waiter leaves. I glare at Taehyung. "That's not fair! I wanted to get what I wanted." He smiles "Trust me I ordered you something really good." I pout. "Anyway. That dress shows off the baby really well. It looks good on you." I feel my cheeks heat up. "Y-you can't just say those things to me!"

"Why not?" He asks. I look away, towards the city. "They make me feel like I have a chance. I know I don't." I look back up to be met with a serious face. "You're right, you don't have a chance, but just for tonight I'll treat you as a lover. I'll make you feel special just for this night."

I smile. I don't know if I should be happy about it. I mean yeah I should, but I'm not because one night isn't enough for me. "Thanks for this then." We talk for a little more until the food comes.

"Oh my god that looks so good!" I say looking at the Shrimp pasta (I'm poor ok I'm sorry idk rich food. Like who is she?) "I told you." I smile. "So since you're being nice can I ask you some questions?" Taehyung rolls his eyes. "This is our first date. I'm pretty sure that what you do." I laugh. "Oh ok."

"How old are you?" Taehyung sighs "23." My eyes widen. "And you own a mafia at such a young age?!" He nods. "Yeah. My dad was getting old and made me leader at 16."

"T-That young?" He smiles. "Yeah."

"Why? That's so young?"

"That's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you another time."


The rest of the time we just talked and laughed. It felt so good to have this date with him. It was all I ever dreamed of. I actually felt happy. I felt loved and cared for. Even if the love from his side was "fake."


"I can't believe you paid that much for 4 plates. I mean you own the restaurant why didn't they just give you the "free" card?" He chuckles. "That would be wrong wouldn't it? I own it so I have to set an example." I bite my bottom lip. "Taehyungie."


"Can I kiss you?" His smile turns into a serious face. "No." I roll my eyes. "To bad." I crash my lips onto his. Making it the second time I felt his lips against mine. It feels so right to have them moving with mine. It makes me feel whole.

The kiss is full of the love I wish I could give him. It's full of passion and a little lust. Finally he breaks us apart. "Why did you do that?" He asks, obviously upset. "You said you'd love me for tonight." He nods.

"I guess you're rig— WATCH OUT!" My eyes widen as I hear a 'BANG'

"Taehyungie?" I ask, looking at my hands that are now full of blood. "Are you ok? TAEHYUNGIE?" I fall to my knees as tears fall out of my eyes. I-is he ok? Is this my fault? He's alive right? I mean he has to be. "Why'd you do that Taehyungie?" He smiles at me. "I said I'd love you tonight. This counts." I feel tears come out of my eyes nonstop. "It's ok. Don't worry. You'll hurt the baby." Are his last words before he coughs up blood.

Sorry for making a double update i just got bored. Also this is a long as chapter sorry. ADIÓS AMIGOS Y PERDÓNENME POR LO QUÉ ISE.

One night -TaeJin {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now