Chapter 24

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( This chapter changes pov from Nam to Tae)

NamJoon's pov

I smile looking down at my prince. I know he's angry at me for taking him from his baby, but he'll have to accept it now that he's living with me.

"How I wish I could touch you. Claim you as mine right now. Show you who you belong to." I whisper in his ear.

"I-I don't belong to you." He says. "Prince, there's no need to pretend to love that asshole anymore."

"I-I wasn't pretending. I love Taehyung." He whispers. My eyes widen hearing those words. "After everything he did to you?! After he fucking hurt you on countless times? You have the nerve to say you weren't pretending?!"

"I'm sorry that my feelings got in the way. I'm sorry I actually fell in love with him. Y-you can kill me if you'd like. I mean there is no point in living. I don't have my baby with me nor his father."

"I won't kill you. Even if you have to pretend to love me. You'll be my prince. Nothing has changed." I can see the disappointment in his eyes.

"I'll make you mine either way. I'll claim your body as mine. Every single thing that belongs to you will be mine. And the same applies for you. I'll just have to wait a few months, or until your body has recovered.

"Will I ever be able to see my baby again?" I laugh.

"No, but don't worry we can replace him. We can make a new baby. It'll be just mine and yours."

"It won't be the same. N-nothing is the same." I look at him confused. "Why won't it be the same?" He looks away from my gaze. "If we do have a baby. He won't be Taehyung's child. He won't be my MinJun. Therefore I wouldn't have the same feelings towards it. I would love it, but I wouldn't feel the same." His voice sounds dead, as if he is awaiting the right time to just drop dead and die.

His words do hit me straight in the heart though. They make me feel anger inside. I feel as if I could strangle him at any second. So I do what any reasonable person that doesn't want to kill their prince would do. I walk out, leaving him all lone in my bedroom. Of course I lock it. I guess he'll have to stay in there until he learns to that this is his new normal.

This place is his new home. I am his new lover. He is mine and no one else's. Sooner or later I'll be able to physically show him that he belongs to me. He'll have to adapt to this, wether he likes it or not.

Taehyung's pov

Slowly my eyes open, only to find my mother sitting on a chair next to me. "Taehyung. Oh dear god. Thank you." She says holding onto my hand as if I would disappear at any second.

"What's wrong?" I say as I notice her red eyes. She smiles at me. "Well you got shot. I don't know if you remember?" I look down at my bandage covered stomach, nothing else covering me. My eyes widen as a the small, but important memory comes to my mind.

"Y-Yes. Where's SeokJin?" She looks down to the floor. "He's gone." Those simple words are enough for me to feel as if I'm dying. I try getting up, but the wound on my stomach starts pulsing. "W-where did he go? The baby?! Mom, where did Jin go? He left me?" For the first time in years I feel genuine tears form in my eyes.

Not like the ones that would come in that nightmare I was having. These tears are real because I'm living that nightmare right now. That nightmare that I despised so much has come alive. It's taken the first thing I've learned to love in years.

The last person I loved turned out to be a complete waste of my time. She turned out to be using me. Was even going to accuse me of rape.

SeokJin was different though. He made me smile when I didn't want to. He made me feel things I didn't want. I even hurt him because I was scared of loving him. I was afraid to show him my heart. Most of all I was afraid of him getting killed because of me.

"N-NamJoon took him." She sighs. "The baby is in an incubator." I look at her confused. "The baby?" She smiles at me. "Yeah, the baby "

"SeokJin was only 5 months. H-he have birth that early?"

"Yes." Is all she says. A tear slips out of both of my eyes. "It's all my fault." I say avoiding eyes contact with her because staring at her in eyes would only make me feel more at fault.

I open my mouth to speak, but the door is slammed open.

"Where's my brother?! Where is he?! I heard he gave birth! I'm worried though because he was only 5 months. " An exited Yoongi says looking at me only.

His eyes then trail down to my stomach. "What happened to you?" I want to say something to him, but somehow nothing comes out of my mouth. I think the fact that Yoongi is here in front is me makes me feel even more guilty than before.

"I got shot. The baby is in an incubator. Which room I don't know. Ask my mom." He nods. "Ok but where is my brother?"

I look down ashamed and guilty of the answers "My brother took him." My voice comes out as if it were a robots.

There's is a small silence. "What do you mean your brother took him?" He finally asks. "I mean my brother took him."

"Y-you mean my brother is going to die?" More tears slip out of my eyes. "I don't know." I all I say. I don't want to lie to him.

"It's all my fault! If I wouldn't have sent him to you then this wouldn't have happened." I nod. "That's true, but that's the reason that it is my fault."



"While I can't move look for him will you? Kill anyone that gets in your way."

"I was going to do that anyway, boss."

Do I like this chapter? No. Meaning I'm not necessarily happy with this chapter but I guess life is life.

If you want you should check out my book called Pain, Obsession, and desire.

Pain= Hopenamkook (not that I ship them just needed another ship)
"I like it. The pain."
Obsession= TaeJin.
"You're simply an obsession that I will never let go of."
Desire= Yoonmin
"I have a desire for you, hyung."

Only read it if it sounds good lol.

Low key came up with this really good idea of a Smut chapter in my smut book so umm yeah.

Also I've been sad because I legit finished writing the last two chapters of this book. So yeah.

I learned how to cuss and say my name in sign language today. Also learned some Chinese from my friend. But I honestly prefer speaking Japanese it's easier in my opinion also Korean. I'm just more fluent in Japanese.

Question: what can I do to improve my writing? Is there something you don't like?
Ok bye

One night -TaeJin {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now