Chapter 16

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Taehyung's POV

"Help me." A voice whispers in my ear over and over again. It sounds like SeokJin's voice. "Help me Taehyungie." It's whispers again. There's a silence for a few minutes. My eyes widen as I see Namjoon and her. Then I hear "Take care of the baby...I-I lo—."

I pant, waking up from that horrible nightmare. Sweat drips from my forehead and my body aches. My chest feels like it's going to explode from how fast my heart is beating. Without consent, tears drip out of my eyes. I just feel pain everywhere.

I look to the other side of my bed and see a sexy sight. SeokJin wearing my boxers along with my oversized white dress shirt. Did we have sex last night? Why can't I remember? I guess it doesn't matter.

I lay back down, trying to relax myself.
This has been happening for a whole month. Ever since SeokJin and I decided on the baby's name. I've been having the same nightmare night after night and it's always the same one. I then wake up shaking or crying for an unknown reason (well it's unknown to me.)

The thing is the feels so real. So life like and I feel so helpless in it. I feel so helpless from just hearing that crying voice. The one that asks me to help it. At a certain point the voice just gives up and that hurts me the most. It makes me feel a pain that I'm sure is far worse than death.

I don't like it though. The dreaming, the waking up shaking or crying. I haven't cried in years yet these dreams stab me right in the heart making me cry. Making me want to save the crying voice. Save someone is something I've never wanted to do so it confuses me.

I groan as I feel someone hug me, their head on my chest. "Are you awake Taehyungie?" I stay quiet for a while, not really wanting to move my mouth from laziness. "Yeah."

He slowly sits up. "Is it a nightmare again?" I look at him confused, but nod. "How do you know that I've been having nightmares?" His eyes widen, he stays silent for a few minutes. "Well... I've been sneaking in your room so I've seen you wake up crying, it's been so cold lately... I-I'm sorry."

I don't say anything, I mean I don't really care. "Taehyungie?" I lick my lips and flick my hair out of my face( annoyed habit.) "Yes?" He opens his mouth, but then closes it.

"Never mind." He shyly looks away. "You already started. So just ask." He looks back at me. The silence is obviously stiff. "I've been meaning to ask you For a while... uhm... who is Kim MinSeo?" My eyes widen. How does he know about her?

I don't have good grades rn so Updates will be slow. Also new characters will be appearing ex: Taemin. I was going to reveal the baby's name but then decided to do it when he's born. Another things is i will explain who she is soon. yeah ok bye.

One night -TaeJin {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now