Chapter 9

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Note:idk how to feel about this chapter... it will get good soon so umm wait? Also I tried making this more readable so yeah. So I want to explain why Taehyung keeps switching from the words baby and slut. He has bipolar disorder so it depends on his mood. When he says baby (he just killed someone and is fucking happy asf) (when he says slut he is mostly sexually frustrated or just hasn't had a good kill) I guess he's kinda like a sadist.

SeokJin's POV (and where back to him lol)

"I'll be back." Taehyung says after the long sex session we just had. I guess that was his way of showing me I'm a slut. To be honest I think it was progress. Mostly because now I know he's kinda sensitive in the whole "You don't act mean" topic. Like I said before I'm trying to figure him out. I didn't really mean it when I said he acted nice because that would be a fucking lie. Do I regret starting off by saying that... yes I do. Only because I saw the way his eyes changed from a happy bubbly emotion to a dark killer emotion in less than a second.

"I need to get up." I say out loud, looking around the dark sex room I'm in. I sigh, really not wanting to get up, I mean I deserve the rest... after what I went through. I have to get up though, I promised myself I would investigate him and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I get up with shaky legs, wincing in pain here and there. I hold myself on everything I can reach just so I don't fall. It takes me a few minutes to reach the bathroom. I walk in, only to fall on the floor because of my wobbly legs. Groaning, I grab onto the bathroom counter in hopes of being able of pick myself up. "Yes!" I yell, proud of myself for being able to pick myself up on my own. So independent.

My eyes widen as I look at my reflection in the mirror. I look owned and fucked in so many ways. I have cum stains all over my crop top. My lower body has red hand prints. My inner thighs have red bites. The worst part is my neck, I think. It has purple bruises that look ready to explode at any second. Is that why he said "All sluts have owners." As he looked at my neck.

I bite my lip, just thinking about it. Is it wrong to really like the way he makes me feel. I feel so small and submissive when I'm with him. At the same time it feels wrong. It feels like I have to figure him out in order for everything to be fine. I feel the need to fix him for some reason.

"Mhm." I moan as the water touches my skin. It honestly burns on so many levels. Not because the water is hot or anything. It's just burning my skin in general because of all the bites and bruises. "Ahhhh!" My eyes widen as I hear a scream coming from somewhere in the house. Should I be worried or think of it as something normal?

I rush out the shower, even if it does hurt walking this fast. Trying not to think about what I heard I walk inside the dark room once again. I stay still for a few minutes. Then I realize Thoughts overflowed my mind I didn't even notice myself get dressed.

I sit on the bed, chewing my bottom lip. Do I just stay inside this room? Do absolutely nothing over what I just heard? I thought I was braver than this... w-why am I feeling helpless and weak. I mean just a few minutes ago I was trying to figure out this Mafia leader, but now after hearing that bloody murder scream. I just don't know.

7:30 pm, is what the clock reads. Has it really been that long? My eyes widen as I feel something drip from my lip. I touch my bottom lip with my finger, only to find blood. Did I really chew on my lip that hard? "If you would have just stayed still!" I hear Taehyung yell from the same area I heard the scream come from. Does this mean what I think it does?

Grabbing my shoes, I walk out the door. Trying to find the room I heard the voices from. "What are you doing down here?" Jimin says looking at me straight in the eyes. "I-I was looking for... my M-master." I feel my ears start to burn from embarrassment. "Is that so?" He says with a mocking tone. "Y-Yeah." I start walking backwards as he walks towards me in a dark way. "I guess you really are a slut." He points at all the visible bruises on my neck. "J-just tell me where he is, p-please?"

He clicks his tongue. "Yeah, your master is in that room, going to fuck him again are we?" With that he leves. My eyes widen as he just leves me there. Without a single touch. Did he really change or is this just him being afraid of Taehyung?

I slowly walk towards the room Jimin pointed towards. Voices can be heard "Get rid of it!" Heavy breathing is followed after those words. "Yeah... I got it." A new voice says. It takes me a while to figure it out, but when I do my eyes widen. Did I just hear my brother?

I open the door the voices are coming from. Only to find 4 men in the room. Taehyung, Jhope, Jungkook, And Yoongi? I open my mouth to talk, but close it right away. Not really finding words to say.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I hear myself scream. Then realize why. There is a lifeless body right in front of my eyes. Blood is splattered everywhere and all they do is smile. As if it is the best thing in the world.

I feel myself start to hyperventilate. "I-is t-this w-what you do?" I ask, breathing heavily. A deep chuckle fills the room " what are you doing in here! I thought I told you to stay in the room! Can't you see I'm taking care of some business?"

I look over to my brother who just stares at my stomach. I feel myself start to loose energy. "Breathe baby, breathe. It's not good for the baby." Taehyung says coming close to me. Helping me up with his arms.

"You're the dad?" My brother asks. This time he sounds worried, for the first time in my whole life he sounds worried for me. "Are you crazy!" Yoongi yells at Taehyung. Taehyung just smiles. "You're going to get him killed... by fucking Kim Namjoon."

I'm disappointed with this chapter.... but like it will get better so I guess just wait. I'm sorry for disappointing in this chapter. Not edited Also yes everyone except Jin is a bad guy in this book lol. And yes I changed the cover

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