Chapter 15

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Taehyung's POV

I sigh, walking out of my car. It's been a few hours since I left the mansion. All I really did while out was drink a little and fuck some random dude. Did I enjoy it?, no. It didn't feel the same, it felt nasty to even fuck someone who wasn't SeokJin. Now that, annoys the hell out of me.

Why the fuck do I need to get these feeling now? I've never felt such thing in my entire life. It's just so new, but I will not give in to these feelings. Never in my life will I ever admit to the feeling of love.

"Stop...Jimin." I hear SeokJin's voice as I enter the mansion. I slowly walk to where the noise is coming from. "Why are you being like!?"

My eyes widen as I see the scene in front of me. Jimin is back hugging SeokJin, holding on the growing belly. His lips are on SeokJin's neck, giving him kisses all over.

"I want to be with you again, I know this kid is his, but I'll take care of it I promise." A moan leaves SeokJin's lips, making me feel all possessive inside.

"No...Jimin I don't want to." SeokJin says as Jimin slips his hand into SeokJin's small skirt.

A growl leaves my throat, my body isn't listening to my mind. I start walking up to them both. "Didn't I fucking tell you not to touch my property? I thought telling someone something once was the last time I had to tell them!"

Jimin visibility flinches away from SeokJin. "I-I'm s-sorry s-sir." He stutters out. I lick my lips, a little habit I do when I'm annoyed. Pacing back and forth, I debate what I should do next.

All I want to do is beat the crap out of him for touching my SeokJin. I know I can't do that though because then who would cook the food? Right now though, the beat the crap out of him part of me is winning.

I slowly walk towards him. Making him walk backwards towards the wall. His back hits the wall, leaving me inches away from him. "I said I'm sorry!" He yells out. Causing me to lose my cool and just punch him in the face.

"Fuck that felt great." I say, punching him for the second time. "Taehyung please stop!" SeokJin yells, but at this moment in time I don't really care who's talking. All I care about is beating this motherfucker so he can't walk anymore.

Another punch. Another. Another after another after another until my fist are red and his face is visibility bleeding. He falls to the floor, giving me the chance to kick him. This last for a few minutes, the screaming even.

I go in for another kick, but a small human with a little stomach bump hugs me from behind. "Please Stop It Taehyungie." Tears flow out of his eyes and onto my black dress shirt.

"Why should I? Do you still love him is that it?" With all the strength he has he turns me around. "N-no, I don't love him. I stopped loving him a long time ago, I just stayed with him because I thought no one else would love me." He admits, holding onto me tightly.

"Then why do you protect him? I mean wasn't he the one that got you into all this mess?" He pick his head up, looking at me in the eyes. "I protect him because no one deserves to be treated that way. Yes I don't like him, but thanks to him I'm going to be a dad soon. And I found someone to love."

I raise my eyebrows, someone to love? He means the baby right? If he means someone else then I surely have to find out who it is. After I find them I have to kill them. Wait... no I don't because I don't care.

"Go to your room!" I command Jimin. Avoiding eye contact, he walks out of the kitchen and out of my sight. It feels good with him gone. It feels right with him gone, but I don't like it. I don't like the way my blood boils because of this stupid slut under me. I don't like the way my heart beats fast when he's around. I don't like the way I get upset when people touch him. I want to be the only one touching him.

I need people to understand he's mine, but at the same time I want to kill him for making me feel this way. The way I haven't felt for so many years. Who knew that this 18 year old boy could make me start to feel things again.

"Taehyungie, I want to spend tomorrow with you if that's ok. We can talk about the baby names!" He squeals like an excited girl who got accepted to be a cheerleader.

I nod, not really paying attention to what he's saying. Why is it I feel this way. I thought after I killed her these feeling would never come back. I thought I was done with these feelings I haven't felt in so long, but somehow they feel different. Am I really falling for this slut?

Dedicated to: my friend (you know who you is (she helped me with the idea for this chapter that's why))
I'm trying to write a chapter for baby boy so I might not update this that's the only reason I updated today. Does this even make sense anymore idk ok bye

One night -TaeJin {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now